How Old Do You Have To Be To Do Instacart?

Shopping with Instacart is great for anyone looking for flexible, seasonal, entry-level, weekend, weekday, after school, temporary or any type of part-time opportunities.

That’s why it’s common for many people to want to do it. Including people who just got their drivers license. But how old do you have to be for Instacart?

In order to do Instacart you have to be at least 18 years of age. So although most people get their license at the age of 17, they have to wait the extra year in order to make money with Instacart. If you violate this, Instacart could file a civil complaint agains you, even if you sign up under your parents name. So don’t rush and wait your turn to get started.

Why Do You Have To Be 18 To Work For Instacart?

Instacart doesn’t say specifically why they require workers to be 18 years of age.

When under 18, you’re considered under age. Liability is probably one of the reasons.

Also people trusting children to shop and deliver their groceries for them may make some people uneasy.

After doing thorough research, I found out why Instacart requires you to be 18 years or older. I took a look at the Fair Labor Standards for drivers working under the age of 18 and this is what I found.

  • 17 Year Olds Can Only Drive During Day Light Hours
  • The driving may not include route deliveries or route sales (which Instacart requires).
  • They can’t take time sensitive deliveries.
  • The driving is occasional and not necessary for the 17-year-old’s employment. Youth workers (defined as anyone under 18) are not allowed to:
  • Spend more than one third of their workday driving; or log over 20% of their workweek in the front of a vehicle.

What Are The Other Shopper Requirements To Become an Instacart Shopper?

You must have a smartphone with the shopper App, be eligible to work in the United States, have a valid driver’s license and insurance, be able to lift 50 pounds and lastly you need to pass all background checks.


Instacart shoppers make good money and working for Instacart is a good side hustle, but not worth the risk if you’re not of age yet.

If you are not 18 yet we’d suggest to go get another side hustle to make some extra cash and then once you’re of age you can become a driver with instacart.

If you have any input on being an Instacart delivery driver while being under the age of 18 we’d like to hear what you have to say in the comments.

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How Old Do You Have To Be To Do Instacart?
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