Can You Doordash With Kids? (Everything You Need To Know)

Working for Doordash can be a great, especially for parents trying to make ends meet.

The big question for parents wanting to do Doordash is can you bring your kids with you.

In this article we will go over everything you need to know if you want to bring your kids along to work!

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Here’s the Short Answer About Working For Doordash With Kids:

There is nothing within the Doordash Terms of Service that prohibits you from working with your kids in the car.

This is a good thing because childcare is extremely expensive and paying for a babysitter can really lower your hourly rate.

Keep in mind there are other things to keep in mind to make your experience worth it.

Problems Doordash Drivers May Run Into Driving With Their Kids


If your child has a bad temper and is often hard to deal with driving with them while working for Doordash may be very challenging.

Leaving Them In The Car:

There are certain ages that you can’t leave your kids in the car. These rules vary by state so it’s important to look into it in the state you’re planning to work for Doordash in.

Taking Them In a Restaurants:

If you end up not leaving them in the car, bringing them in the restaurants could be a challenge to. Getting in and out of the restaurant in a timely manner may be difficult which will lower the money you make per hour.

You also have to make sure that you make sure they are well behaved while in the restaurants so you don’t risk getting a complaint.


The safety of your kids is very important which makes it difficult to focus on working for Doordash with them in the car.


If you aren’t fast enough, you can get a contract violation, if you do this multiple times you can end up no longer eligible to work for Doordash.

At the same time you don’y want to drive fast with young kids in the car.

Here is a blog post about how contract violations work so you can avoid getting them and not get kicked off as a Dasher!


As adults we can hold it in a bit easier than kids. Depending on how many kids you have you may find yourself having bathroom breaks more than you would like to.

Tips For Dashers Who Have To Take Their Kids With Them

If you have no choice but to bring your kids with you here are some tips to help you get through the shift.

Bring a Video Game They Like:

If you have a child that is easily distracted, bring an electronic device they like to play with in the car.

This will keep them from getting bored and potentially acting out or being hard to deal with which can lead to more problems for Doordash drivers who are just trying to get through their shift!

Bring Toys/Books:

Bringing toys or books is another way to keep your kids distracted while you work for Doordash.

Put On Their Favorite Music:

Having their favorite music on is another way to keep them occupied.

Be Patient With Your Kids:

Being patient with your kids will help you avoid any unnecessary problems that could potentially get worse if one of the other tips didn’t work out for you.

If you get angry, sometimes kids tend to mimic your behavior which won’t be good for you while you’re trying to take deliveries.

Have Them Help You With The Directions:

Another good way to keep your kids involved is if they’re big enough to sit in the front seat, have them help you with the directions.

This will help them feel useful and will make the time go much faster for them.

Always Lock The Door And Shut Off The Vehicle:

The last thing you need is for someone to take your car with your children in it, if you do leave them in the car (If they are of age) always lock the door and shut off the car.

Don’t Let Your Kids Take The Food To The Customers:

When you drop the food off to the customers, make sure you’re the one that’s taking. I know for me, the idea of children holding my food in the back seat is not very pleasing.

This may be a person to person thing, but I personally wouldn’t take the risk.

Be Realistic and Communicate With Your Kids:

Taking your children out all day may not be a good idea. You have to value their day just as much you value yours.

So when taking on a gig like Doordash and involving your children, it’s a good idea to set a number of deliveries you both agree on.

Once you hit that number of deliveries you close the app and head home.

It’s important to abide by that delivery number so your kids trust you and know that you value their time.


I hope this blog post helped you figure out the in’s and out’s of being a Doordash driver with your kids in your car.

If you found this article helpful please share on social media or with your friends and family.

If you are interested in becoming a Doordash driver, visit the Doordash Website!

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Can You Doordash With Kids? (Everything You Need To Know)
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