How Hard Is It To Get a Job With Instacart?

Instacart is a great side hustle for people looking to make extra money in their extra time.

The question is, is it easy to get a job with Instacart?

In this blog post we will go over everything you need to know in regards to this.

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What is Instacart?

Instacart is a company that provides an app-based online grocery delivery service.

The app allows people to browse items from various stores and then purchase them through the platform, which will be delivered by one of their contract workers.

How Hard Is It To Start Working For Instacart?

Working For Instacart is actually pretty quick and simple most of the time, but there may be reasons they deny you.

Reasons Instacart May Deny You

I went on reddit and indeed to look at reviews and some reasons why people have been denied in order to warn you about certain situations.

Here are some reasons I saw people get denied.

Sexual Offense:

Instacart may deny you if you have a serious sexual offense.

Driving offenses:

Whether they deny you or not for driving offenses almost seems like it’s random.

I’ve seen stories of people getting hired instantly and then I heard stories of people getting denied.

Something like a recent speeding ticket can keep you from getting hired as a full service shopper.

Falsified Applications:

Sometimes people put more on their resume than they’ve actually done not thinking Instacart will look into it.

The background check actually compares what the shopper put down and if it doesn’t match up you can be denied.


Sometimes the background check may have false information on it.

If you get denied to work as an instacart shopper, always ask for a copy of the background check and make sure that everything is correct.

How long does it take to get hired by Instacart?

It can take as little as a few hours to be approved.

The company has also told us they’re hiring droves of people and will hire you immediately after reviewing your job application.

Is There Times Where The Process Takes a Long Time?

Yes, if the area you are looking to work in is highly populated, sometimes so many people may want to start working as an Instacart shopper that theres a waiting list.

Can You Make a Living Working For Instacart?

Yes, there are many people who work for Instacart full time and manage to get themselves a living.

Keep in mind if you live in low population areas, making that much money maybe isn’t that realistic.

Can you make $1000 a week with Instacart?

Yes, if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

Just like above, you have to keep your area in mind.

How Much Do You Get Paid?

Most shoppers make anything from $15-$25 an hour.

What Are The Different Job Options Working For Instacart?

In Store Shopper:

In store shoppers get orders on the app and then prepare those orders. They leave them there for the customer to pick up later on.

Full Service Shoppers:

A Full service shopper does everything from picking up the order to delivering it as well.

Other Questions You May Have

What are The Requirements To Become a Instacart Shopper?

To become an Instacart shopper you need to be at least 18 years old, have a valid driver’s license, be able to lift 50 pounds, be eligible to work in the United States and have a phone that is compatible with the Instacart app.

Can Someone Ride With You While Doing Instacart?

The answer is no, the only person that should be out shopping for groceries is the one that got hired for shopping.

If Instacart finds out that an employee is driving with other people they will take a way your driving privileges.

How Do Instacart Driver Pay For Groceries?

Instacart drivers all get a prepaid credit card and all the groceries are paid for by Instacart.

Do You Have To Be Strong To Do Instacart?

You don’t have to be that strong, you just have to be able to lift up to 50 pounds.

How Does Instacart Pay?

It used to be just direct deposit, but not luckily for drivers they can use instant cash out.

Is The Instacart Shopper App Easy To Use?

Yes, once you get the hang of it the Instacart shopper app is very simple.

If you have any doubts, you can go to youtube and find a good run down of how the app works.


From the research ive done, it doesn’t take much effort to start working for Instacart, but I hope this article helps you find out why you may not get accepted right away.

If you do have criminal history, just be upfront about it when applying to work for Instacart. If they find out that you were lying your shopper privileges may get taken away instantly.


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Check out this article of whether you can work for Instacart with a DUI.

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How Hard Is It To Get a Job With Instacart?
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