How Do Instacart Shoppers Check Out?(Everything You Need To Know)

When you’re an Instacart shopper, it’s your job to buy groceries and deliver them to customers in a timely manner. A common question asked when discussing Instacart is how do you check out as a shopper? This blog post will answer that question, as well as give helpful tips for how to improve the checkout process.

What is Being an Instacart Shopper?

Instacart shoppers are people who buy groceries, individually or in bulk. These items will be delivered to customers with the help of Instacart’s app (desktop version). Shoppers that deliver these items can also receive tips for their great service.

Brief answer to the question how do Instacart shoppers check out:

Instacart shoppers check out just like any other shopper would. It is preferred in most stores that they check out through a manned checkout line instead of a self checkout line.

How do you pay for your orders with Instacart?

You can pay with the card Instacart originally gives you or you can use the mobile checkout options which are apple pay or google pay.

Can you pay for Instacart orders with cash?

No, you never use your own money. Always use either the card Instacart gave you or a mobile checkout option.

Tips For When You’re Checking Out For Instacart


You can hold onto the receipts for your own benefit just in case something goes wrong but don’t give the receipt to the customers.

Instacart sends their own receipt as the pricing on Instacart is different than in store.

Giving the receipts to customers may let them see the price difference which could ultimately keep them from ordering on Instacart again.


Try to keep your items in the order you need them which will help with checkout time.

When checking out, Instacart shoppers must stay organized and try their best not to hold up other customers shopping at the store.

Review the order:

Be sure you review the order thoroughly to make sure everything is correct.


I hope these tips helped you learn a little more about how Instacart shoppers check out. It’s not an easy job so you need to stay organized and on top of everything or else it may cause you issues.

If you have any interesting stories about things that have happened when you checked out, leave it below in the comments.

If you’re interested in signing up with Instacart, visit their website.

Check out this article about whether or not Instacart will hire you with a DUI.

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How Do Instacart Shoppers Check Out?(Everything You Need To Know)
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