When Does Instacart Stop Delivering? (Is it 24 Hours)

For those of you who don’t know Instacart is grocery shopping app that allows you to go grocery shopping for other people and get paid for it.

This is a great weekend or night time side hustle to go and make some extra money.

The one thing about Instacart, is that you’re schedule needs to be able to work around it. Apps like Uber and Lyft you can work basically as long as you want but that’s not the case with Instacart.

In this article we will go over the times you can work for Instacart.

Does Instacart stop at certain times?

It used to be that Instacart would stop at midnight, but as of recently they rolled out 24 hour service. This doesn’t mean you could order from shop rite when they’re not open, but you could order from places like CVS and other stores that are open 24/7.

This is good for people who need something on the fly. It’s also good for people who want to work more hours and make more money. Just keep in mind if you’re working as an Instacart driver, you might not make as much money per hour at night, but it’s still better than anything.

Is It Worth Working Instacart Late Nights?

The best time to do Instacart is still during the day. This is because the amount of 24 hour stores that are open are limited. So although Instacart doesn’t stop delivering, you should do it during the day. If you have only nights available, it may be a better option to do something like Uber Eats or even Uber.

See our most recent articles below:

When Does Instacart Stop Delivering? (Is it 24 Hours)
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