Is Blogging Considered Social Media? (Immediate Answer!)

There seems to be a lot of confusion these days about what blogging is and whether or not it qualifies as social media. So, let’s set the record straight!

Blogging is considered a form of social media, but that doesn’t mean all social media is considered blogging. Let’s dive into the definition of both and find out what the differences are.

What Is the Definition Of Social Media?

According to the Merriam Websters Dictionary, social media is considered, “forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which people create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.”

Merriam Websters Dictionary

Blogging fits under this definition because it is a way for people to share information and ideas online. People can blog about anything they want- from their favorite recipes to their latest vacation. It’s also a great way to connect with others who share similar interests.

Why Is All Social Media Not Considered Blogging?

The main reason why not all social media is considered blogging is because of the format. Blogging generally refers to writing long-form articles, while social media can encompass a wide variety of content types including photos, videos, and short updates.

Another big difference is that social media is typically more immediate, while blogging is more evergreen. That means that people are more likely to come across your social media posts at the moment, while they might find your blog post months or even years later.

Think about when you post an Instagram photo- you’re sharing a moment that is happening right now. But if you write a blog post about your recent trip to Europe, people might find it months or even years later when they are planning their trip.

If an Instagram post goes viral the most it can be seen for is just a couple of days!

Social Media is More Of a Highlight Reel

Social media is often referred to as the highlight reel, where blog posts are in-depth articles.

How Social Media and Blogging Could Work Together

If you want to use social media and blogging to build your brand, it’s important to have a strategy for how you will use both.

For example, you might use social media to share your blog posts and drive traffic to your website. You can also use social media to give your followers a glimpse into your life and what you’re up to, which can make them more likely to read your blog posts.

It’s also important to remember that social media is a great way to connect with other bloggers and build relationships. By commenting on other people’s posts and sharing their content, they will reciprocate and do the same for you.

Blogging and social media can be a great combination if you use them both to your advantage!

In summary

So the answer is yes, blogging is considered social media, but not all social media is considered blogging. It just depends on the format and intention of the content.

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Is Blogging Considered Social Media? (Immediate Answer!)
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