Is It Possible To Be An Affiliate Marketer For Books?

When starting many business ventures, experts often tell you to combine your passions with the business. So if you’re looking into start an Affiliate Marketing business and your biggest passion is books, you may be wondering if it’s possible to affiliate market books. Is it possible to be an affiliate marketer for books?

You can be an affiliate marketer for books, however, books don’t cost a lot of money. This means if you sell a book, your affiliate commissions won’t be very high. Let’s take Amazon Associates for example. The commission for books is 4.5%, so that means if you sell $100 worth of books through your affiliate links, you’ll only make $4.50.

Although this is a bummer, there are ways to increase your income if books are the focus of your affiliate marketing business.

What Are The Best Practices When It Comes To Making Commissions On Books?


Since the commissions aren’t so high. Volume is the answer. You should be able to post 100’s or even 1000’s of blogs and YouTube videos before seeing a lot of money coming in on a regular basis.

Repurpose Content

I kind of gave the answer away in the paragraph above. If you’re making blog posts about a book, you should also make a video on YouTube for it as well. Some people prefer reading, and some people prefer watching videos. This gives you double the chance of making a commission.

Utilize Instagram

Instagram is good for marketing books. This is because you could simply highlight your favorite parts of the book and share it on your Instagram story or post. The books you show off on Instagram could be linked on a LinkTree page, where people can click through and buy the book.

Stick With One Niche

If you’re all over the place when it comes to the books you promote, you may not grow as fast. People will see you as a jack of all trades and not an expert in any specific category. Choose one niche and stick with it.

For example, if you’re into self development, you should promote all books that are related to self development.

How Else Can You Make More Money As Someone Who Is An Affiliate Marketer For Books?

If you’re starting an online business, affiliate income doesn’t have to be the only source of your income. Below we will go over some ways to increase your profits as a book affiliate marketer.

1. Ad money has been increasing over the years, so much in fact, that bloggers are moving towards complete informational sites. If you could get a good amount of traffic to your blog, you could sign up to Google Adsense, or a premium Ad network like Mediavine and Ezoic.

The same goes for YouTube, if you make video summaries talking about the books and how you interpreted them, there’s no reason you shouldn’t become a member of the YouTube partner program (when you meet the YouTube Requirements).

2. Create a book club subscription of some sort. This will allow people who enjoy your content to join your group. It’s up to you to be creative and see what you could do to add even more value to your members.

3. Maybe eventually you could make your own Ebook. If you’re so into reading, you may get a whole cluster of ideas for your own book. Eventually, you could write your own and publish it on Amazon.

4. Retail arbitrage for books. The more you get into the book game, the more you will know the prices of certain books. If you want another income via books, going to thrift stores, buying the books there that you know will sell for more online, and reselling them could be a great way to make extra money.

What Is The Biggest Challenge Of Being an Affiliate Marketer For Books?

The biggest challenge of being an affiliate marketer for books is giving enough value where people are interested in the book but not too much where they don’t have to buy it. It’s finding that balance of just giving enough information or insight without ruining the story for potential buyers.

Don’t let this discourage you though, the more you publish content, the more you will learn how to do this. “Doing” is the best experience you could get, instead of just sitting and thinking about it.


If you have a passion for books, don’t let that hold you back from starting your affiliate marketing business recommending books. Just keep in mind that you will need to pump out a high volume of content and you will also need to be creative when it comes to diversifying your income.

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Is It Possible To Be An Affiliate Marketer For Books?
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