Can You Play Music On a Youtube Live Stream?(Explained)

Live streaming is good way to keep your audience engaged, but what if you want to include music in your live stream? Is it possible or will you get in trouble with copyright?

In this blog post, we will go over whether or not you can play music on a YouTube live stream and the potential consequences of doing so. We’ll also go over some other factors regarding music and streaming that you should take into account.

Answer To the Question Can You Play Music On a YouTube Live Stream?

When you’re live streaming, YouTube goes through your video to ensure you’re not in violation of any copyright laws. This includes playing music that you do not own the rights to. If YouTube detects copyrighted material in your stream, they will take action which could result in your channel being demonetized, restricted, or even terminated.

There are some ways to get around this however. You could play music that is in the public domain, use a Creative Commons license, or get explicit permission from the copyright holder. If you’re unsure if a piece of music is copyrighted, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and not play it.

What Other Things Do Youtube Look For When It Comes To Third Party Content

Aside from music, YouTube is also looking for things like video clips, images, and other copyrighted material. If you use any of this in your stream without permission, YouTube could take action against your channel.

For example, let’s say you’re live streaming a game and you use a short clip from a movie to transition between gameplay. If you don’t have permission to use that movie clip, YouTube could demonetize your stream or even take it down.

It’s always best to create all the content in your live stream yourself, or get explicit permission from the copyright holder before using anything.

What If The Music Is Your Own Music?

If you’ve created the music yourself, then you can play it on your live stream without any issue. YouTube won’t take any action against you because you own the rights to the music.

Below are Some Ways To Promote Your Own Music Through Live Stream:

1. Use live stream to perform your music live

Performing for your audience can show a more personal side to your music and help you build a connection with your fans.

2. Use live stream to talk about your music process

Talking about your music can help people understand it better and appreciate it more. It can also give insight into the type of artist you are.

3. Use live stream to answer questions about your music

Answering questions can help people understand your music better and can also give you some feedback on what your fans like and don’t like.

4. Use live stream to promote your upcoming events

If you have any upcoming shows or other events, you can use live stream to promote them. This will help get the word out and build excitement for your event.

5. Use live stream to record in the studio with your fans watching

This can give your fans a behind-the-scenes look at your music and how it’s made. It can also be a great way to interact with your fans and get their input on your music.

6. Collaborate With Other Artists

One way to promote your music is to collaborate with other artists. This can help you reach a new audience and also create some great content for your live stream.

What Are Other Live Streaming Platforms You Can Use To Promote Yourself?

There are many other live streaming platforms you can use to promote yourself. Some of the most popular ones are Twitch, Facebook Live, and Instagram Live.

Each platform has its own unique features and audience, so it’s important to find the one that’s right for you.

If you’re a musician, using live stream to promote your music can be a great way to connect with your fans and build your audience. There are many different ways you can use live stream to promote yourself, so find the one that’s right for you and get started!

What Are Some Tips To Keep Your Live Stream Entertaining?

1. Be Yourself

The most important thing is to be yourself. Your fans want to see the real you, so don’t try to be someone you’re not.

2. Be Engaging

Engage with your audience and make sure you’re talking to them, not just talking at them. Ask questions, take requests, and interact as much as possible.

3. Be Prepared

Have a plan for your live stream, so you’re not just winging it. This will help you stay on track and make sure your live stream is entertaining and informative.

4. Be Professional

Even though live stream is more relaxed than other forms of media, it’s still important to be professional. This means no swearing, no offensive content, and no spamming.

5. Be Creative

Find new and creative ways to engage with your audience and make your live stream stand out. This could include games, challenges, or anything else that you can think of.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your live stream is entertaining and engaging for your audience. So get out there and start streaming!


You can play music on a YouTube live stream, but there are some risks involved. If you don’t own the rights to the music, YouTube could take action against your channel. It’s always best to create all the content in your live stream yourself, or get explicit permission from the copyright holder before using anything.

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Can You Play Music On a Youtube Live Stream?(Explained)
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