Quick Guide: How Accurate Is Youtube Estimated Revenue?

Youtube revenue is one of the most liberating things on the internet- it allows for anyone to make a video and earn money from doing so. However, many people are left wondering how accurate these estimates are.

In this blog post we will be discussing whether or not YouTube estimated revenue is accurate along with a bunch of other factors in regards to YouTube revenue.

Short Answer To The Question How Accurate Is Youtube Estimated Revenue:

YouTube estimated revenue is exactly what it sounds like, an estimate. No one can say for sure how much revenue YouTube makes because it all comes down to ad revenue and that can fluctuate greatly.

In a lot of instances, the estimated revenue could be 10-15% lower than what the YouTube estimation says.

Also, YouTube estimated revenue could be a day or two behind in some instances.

What Is The Most Accurate Way To Check?

The most accurate way to see your earnings is by going on the Google adsense website and looking under the “Earnings” tab.

However, this will only show you what you have earned so far and not an estimate of what you could potentially earn.

What Are The Factors That Determine How Much Revenue You Get From YouTube Videos

If you aren’t happy with the estimated revenue or the revenue of your YouTube channel there are many things to keep into consideration.

Below are some of the main factors:

Number of views:

This is pretty self explanatory, the more people that watch your videos, the more money you will make.

Advertiser interest:

This goes hand in hand with the number of views, but if you have a lot of views and no one is clicking on the ads, then you won’t make much money.


If you have great content, then people will watch your videos and click on the ads. This is why it’s important to have interesting, entertaining, or informative videos.

Target audience:

You need to consider who your target audience is when making videos. If you’re targeting a specific demographic, then you will need to make content that appeals to them.


The location of your viewers also plays a role in how much revenue you make. If most of your viewers are from the United States, then you will make more money than if most of your viewers are from other countries.

These are just some of the factors that play a role in how much revenue you make from YouTube videos. If you want to increase your revenue, then you need to take all of these factors into consideration.

The Timing:

Companies pay for ads more siginifcantly during seasons and holidays, so if you have a video that gets popular during those times, you may get more revenue.

On the other hand, in months like January where holidays have just ended, you may see a decrease in revenue.

How Can Content Creators Improve Their Chance Of Making More Revenue?

There are a few things content creators can do to improve their chance of making more revenue:

High Quality Videos:

This goes without saying, but if you want people to watch your videos and click on the ads, then you need to have high quality videos. This means having good production value, interesting content, and engaging videos.

Regular Uploads:

You need to be consistently uploading videos in order to grow your channel and get more views. If you’re only uploading sporadically, then you won’t get as many views and won’t make as much money.

Optimized Titles And Thumbnails:

You need to have catchy titles and thumbnails in order to get people to watch your videos. If your titles and thumbnails are boring, then no one will want to watch your videos.

Collaborations And Cross-Promotion:

Collaborating with other YouTubers and cross-promoting your videos is a great way to get more views and make more money.

In Every Video Mention an Older One

The name of the game is views. If you could get people going from one video to another, you’ve just increased the amount of time spent on your channel, and the likelihood that they’ll see an ad.

Should You Change Your Chanel If You Have Low CPMs?

No, you should not change your channel if you have low CPMs.

CPMs can fluctuate depending on a number of factors, so it’s not indicative of anything in particular.

If you’re happy with your channel and the content you’re making, then stick with it.

Often times, channels with low CPM’s have high ceiling in terms of building a community. For example, if you take gaming channels as an example, many of them don’t generate a lot of revenue per view, but they have a large number of views.

Over time, if you’re passionate you can build a very big community and generate a lot of revenue.

YouTube Ad revenue isn’t the only way to make money with your channel as well. Below we will go over a few other ways.

What Are Some Other Ways To Monetize a Youtube Channel

There are also some other ways to monetize a YouTube channel that won’t be included in your YouTube estimated revenue. These include:

Affiliate links:

If you have products that you’re promoting, then you can include affiliate links in your videos. This means that if someone buys the product through your link, then you will get a commission.


You can also get sponsorships from companies who want to promote their products on your channel. This is usually in the form of an advertisement at the beginning or end of your video.

Going Live:

You can also make money by going live on YouTube. You can do this through YouTube Gaming or YouTube Live. When you go live, people can donate to you and you will get a cut of the donations.

Selling Digital Products:

If you have digital products such as e-books, courses, or music, then you can sell them on your channel. You can promote these products in your videos or in the description box.


Last but not least, you can also sell merch on your channel. This includes t-shirts, mugs, and other physical products that have your channel’s name or logo on them.

Why is Your Estimated Revenue on YouTube Not Increasing?

As stated above estimated revenue on YouTube sometimes takes a day or two to update, so if you don’t see an increase in your estimated revenue, don’t worry.


YouTube estimated revenue is just that, an estimate. The amount of revenue you make can fluctuate greatly and is determined by a number of factors. The most accurate way to see your earnings is by checking your adsense account.

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Quick Guide: How Accurate Is Youtube Estimated Revenue?
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