How To Make Money Online By Sending Emails 

Emails have been around longer than any other online communication method. While social media is more popular today, email remains an extremely powerful tool for business. While most attention is on how you could make money on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and other platforms, I bet you didn’t know that you could make $1000’s per month just by sending emails. 

In this article, we are going to dive into why you should start a newsletter and how you could make money by getting people to join your email list.

Benefits Of Starting a Newsletter

You Own Your Audience

First things first, you own your email list.

How many times have you heard about algorithm updates on Instagram, Google, Facebook, and other places?

When someone joins your email list, you have direct access to them anytime. No platform can take that away or make it harder for you to reach them.

You build a priceless asset that can pay you for years to come. An email list is like having your own audience channel through which you can market anything you want. Sell your own products, promote affiliate offers, sell advertising space – the options are endless. The larger your list grows, the more potential income down the road.

Reach Of Your Email List

Next up is the reach… 

When you post on Instagram, the algorithm pushes you out to 10% of YOUR following. If your post does well with that 10%, then Instagram will show it to a broader percentage of your audience. 

The better it continues to perform, the more users Instagram will expose it to.

However, if your post doesn’t resonate much with that initial 10%, Instagram’s algorithm will assume it’s not quality, engaging content and essentially stop pushing it out to more of your followers. 

You may end up with terrible reach on that post and hurt your future distribution too.

When you send out an email to your list you could expect to see a 25-50% open rate. This means if your open rate is on the high end and you have 500 people on your list, you could reach 250 people in an instant. 

It’s Easier To Link To Affiliate Offers Or Products

It’s more natural for people to click on links leading to affiliate offers or your own products via email simply because of the fact that they are expecting it. When someone signs up for your newsletter, they understand that they will receive promotions and recommendations as part of the deal.

However, if you excessively push affiliate links on other social platforms like Instagram or Facebook, it can seem spammy and damage your brand authority. People follow you on those channels first and foremost for your content. If your posts become nothing but ads, they’ll quickly disengage.

Ways You Could Make Money Via Newsletter

I’m going to be using Beehiiv for this blog post as it’s the newsletter platform I personally use for my newsletter. If you’re looking to start your own here’s my affiliate link which gives you a free 30 day trial. 

The reason I chose Beehiiv is because of the fact that it makes it easy for you to monetize through its built in tools. Here are a few ways you could monetize directly on the platform.

Premium Subscriptions

Beehiiv offers a comprehensive toolkit for newsletter subscriptions. This approach allows you to generate recurring subscription revenue, and Beehiiv does not take a cut of your earnings. I recommend waiting a bit till you have a loyal enough audience, however, if you have a youtube channel with millions of subscribers you could probably get premium subscribers off the bat. 

Ad Network

You can monetize your newsletter by partnering with premium sponsors. This feature is built by the same team that developed Morning Brew’s internal ad tools, indicating a focus on quality and effectiveness. I only currently have 230 subscribers and I haven’t gotten any offers yet but I could imagine when I get to the 1000ish mark i’ll get more opportunities. 


This method involves recommending other newsletters and getting paid for it. It’s described as a hands-off approach and an easy way to earn money. This works great for me because my preferred method to get subscribers is free. So if people subscribe to the people I recommend as well I make money. 

You can then put that money into other people recommending you and get even more subs (basically for free).

Affiliate Marketing

This isn’t a built in Beehiiv feature but you could make money by recommending products in your niche. The opportunities are endless as long as you choose a niche that has products.

Your Own Courses

This is another method not built into beehiiv. If you have your own course you could easily promote it to your email subscribers and make sales that way. Creating an online course is one of the best products you can make to generate revenue.

How To Find Your Niche: Spotting a Problem Within a Broader Niche

You don’t want to just say “I’m starting a newsletter in the fitness niche.”. That really will leave you directionless. You want to start a newsletter based on problems within specific niches. Let’s take meal prep for example. Many people have issues with finding quick and easy meal prep recipes. Maybe start a newsletter based on quick meal ideas for people.

Are you wondering how to spot problems like this? 

Well, with a tool called Gummy Search, that becomes very easy. What it does is scans subreddits for certain niches and finds allows you to see the pain points of users in those subreddits.

Below we did an example of gardeners. Some of the problems they face is neglecting their plants, losing them due to the cold, and more. You could create a newsletter based on these problems. 

You can also look at the solution requests people have which may give you even more ideas. 

How To Get Subscribers For Your Newsletter

There are a couple of different ways you could get subscribers to your newsletter.

Reddit (My Favorite Way)

When I came across Gummy Search I realized reddit is a perfect place to get targeted subscribers interested in your niche. You can join related subreddits and provide value by commenting on posts. Have a signature that links to your website/newsletter signup. The trick is to never say sign up to my newsletter. Saying things more along the lines of this newsletter has helped me.

Social Media

Promote your newsletter across all your social channels through your bio links and visual graphics inviting people to join. Engage followers and provide value through your content. With a growing audience invested in your brand, conversions to email subscribers will steadily increase.


Partner with influencers or brands in complementary niches to do cross-promotions, co-hosted contests/giveaways etc. This allows you to tap into an existing engaged audience and recruit interested followers into your subscriber base.

Lead Magnets

Offer something free and valuable like an ebook, checklist, or resource list in exchange for someone’s email address so you can send them the download. This lead magnet gives an incentive for people to subscribe right away. You could do this through your free social content or through paid content. 

Wrapping Things Up

Starting an email newsletter provides a tremendous opportunity to build a business around serving a specific audience. With a focused niche and consistent value delivery, you can organically grow a list of loyal subscribers over time. Monetization will follow as long as you maintain trust by providing quality recommendations for products and services.

Platforms like Beehiiv make it simpler than ever to get up and running with subscriptions, advertising, collaborations, lead magnets, and more ways to generate revenue streams.

If you want to give Beehiiv a shot, click here and get a free 30 day trial

How To Make Money Online By Sending Emails 

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