Can You Be An Anonymous Blogger? (Everything You Need To Know)

Can you be an anonymous blogger? This is a question that many people have asked themselves at one point or another. There are pros and cons to being a pseudonymous blogger, but in this article we will discuss what it takes to be successful as an anonymous blogger.

Short answer to the question can you be an anonymous blogger:

The answer to the question in the title of this blog post is “yes.” You can be an anonymous blogger! Although you can, there are some extra things you should know about doing this.

Why Should Someone Blog Anonymously?

There are a few different reasons why someone might want to blog anonymously. The most common reason is that the blogger lives in an area where expressing their true opinions could lead to serious consequences. This can be dangerous for them, so they choose not to attach themselves personally to their blog posts or content on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook for this reason.

Another reason people might decide to blog anonymously is because of fear of being judged by others based on who they are as individuals rather than what they have written online. This ties into the above point about anonymity meaning there won’t be any preconceived notions about you which affect your chances at success with blogging.

People also may wish to pursue anonymous blogging if something negative happened previously in their life related to blogging. Perhaps, they are embarrassed about how their blog turned out or what other people think of them because of the content they write online.

People who feel this way should not be discouraged from starting a blog anonymously again though! The main thing to consider is whether you want your work judged on its own merit or by your name and background alone. If it’s the latter then perhaps anonymous blogging isn’t for you right now but if that doesn’t bother you than go ahead with trying to start an anonymous blog today.

Can you make money as an anonymous blogger?

Yes, you can make money as an anonymous blogger. It is actually no different than making money as a blogger that shows their faces. You can still make money off of ads, affiliate marketing, and other ways that bloggers make money.

The difference between anonymous blogging and non-anonymous blogging is how much you will reveal about yourself in your writing and that’s pretty much it.

What Are All The Ways You Can Make Money As An Anonymous Blogger?


One of the most common ways to make money blogging is through advertisements. This can be done on your blog or you can join an advertising network like Google Adsense where they will place ads around content that you write about.

Affiliate Marketing:

Another way to make money as a blogger is through affiliate marketing which means placing links in your posts and sharing them across social media platforms with special tracking codes attached so when someone clicks those links (and eventually buys something) then you get paid by companies who are offering these products/services for sale. You don’t have to use affiliate marketing but it’s another great option if you want to monetize anonymous blogs online!

Selling Courses:

Selling courses is similar to selling affiliate products as above except you create a whole course on something and then sell it directly via your blog or website. This requires more knowledge of what you are writing about so that people will be interested in buying the product, but once again this option is available for those who choose anonymous blogging!


Another way bloggers can make money through their blogs is by accepting donations from readers/visitors online. There’s no reason why an anonymous blogger cannot do this either if they wanted to too which opens up another great opportunity at monetizing content written anonymously online!


Not many bloggers use subscriptions but it’s another great way to make money anonymously. With a subscription, you can offer content for free on your blog that people have the option of signing up to receive directly in their email each day or week or whatever your choice is with this type of monetization strategy! It takes longer than other options which are instant, but if done right can be extremely lucrative too.

How do you remain anonymous as a Blogger?

There are a few simple ways to remain anonymous as a blogger. You can choose an alias that doesn’t give away any clues about who you really are, use your initials instead of your full name, and stay out of the public eye when blogging or posting online whenever possible.

You should also always avoid sharing personal photos with location data on them which could allow someone to track down where you live if they wanted to do so by using geo tagging technology in pictures you post online. Also make sure all social media profiles for yourself related either directly or indirectly to your blog aren’t linked together! This is how many people get found these days because they share their real names across multiple platforms without realizing it’s dangerous.

Using fake email addresses will help protect your anonymity too.

Is blogging anonymously legal?

Blogging anonymously is completely legal and there is nothing wrong with doing it at all.

Can I blog under a fake name?

Yes you can blog under a fake name. Google actually came out and said that it’s completely fine to blog under a pseudonym. It won’t affect your rankings at all and you can still get traffic even if you don’t share your real name with anyone else.

Pros and Cons Of Being An Anonymous Blogger


-You can make money blogging anonymously

-Your blog won’t be affected by your name or background

-You can put your head down and work instead of talking to everyone about your blog.

-You can actually express how you feel without the fear of judgment.

-You can seperate your life with your blogging life.

-There is no pressure to achieve anything, you can go as you please and learn at your own pace.


-If you want to sell products being anonymous could hurt you because when people identify a person with content they are more likely to buy from you. This isn’t that much of a problem though.

-Anonymous bloggers don’t get as many networking opportunites as people who put themselves out there.

How Do You Promote An Anonymous Blog?

It’s actually really easy to promote an anonymous blog. You can still use social media for your promotional efforts, email marketing, SEO (this is huge), and all of the other strategies that bloggers already know about.

Anonymous blogging will not affect any of these areas at all either so don’t worry about it! If you want to take things up a notch though I suggest trying out influencer marketing too because people love supporting others who are like them or share similar interests.

What Platforms Can You Blog Anonymously On?

WordPress, Wix blogger and many other blogging platforms allow you to blog anonymously.

Ways That Anonymity Can Help Your Life Both Online and Offline

People can feel safe on the internet when they are anonymous. This is because people will not judge you based off of your name or background which makes it easier to express yourself without fear of being judged for who you are as an individual rather than what you’ve written online.

Anonymity can help in real life to because keeping to yourself helps you stay away from drama and negative people and allows you to focus on your own life.

Should You Blog Anonymously?

As mentioned above there are many ways to blog anonymously. Some people do it because they want to work on their blog without being judged by others, while other’s simply don’t like the spotlight and prefer anonymity. Whatever the reason is that you decide to blog anonymously, it is perfectly ok.


I hope this blog post helped you understand whether you should blog anonymously or not.

Look at this article explaining everything you need to know about the free blogging platform blogger!

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Can You Be An Anonymous Blogger? (Everything You Need To Know)
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