Can You Have A Passenger with Instacart? (What You Need To Know)

Instacart is a very popular grocery delivery service that has seen huge success in the past few years. They have recently expanded their services to include deliveries of other items, including alcohol and ride-sharing services. One of the most common questions people ask about Instacart is whether or not they can have a passenger with them when they work for Instacart. This blog post will answer this question for you!

can you have a passenger instacart

Brief answer to the question can you have a passenger while working for Instacart:

It is against the Instacart terms of service for anyone who is not employed by Instacart to be in the car of the full service shopper while they’re working.

If you’re caught, your account will likely get deactivated and there could potentially be legal consequences for this action.

You are an independent contractor, which usually means you can do what you want, but within the independent contractor agreement it states that you cannot drive with anyone else.

Can You Do Instacart With Another Instacart Employee?

According to the rules even if the other person is another Instacart employee you cannot work with them.

Many couples want to know this because it seems like a nice side hustle to do on the weekends with your significant other.

If you really want to do it with someone like you’re significant other go for it but don’t be surprised if your account gets deactivated.

Can I Take My Kid With Me To Do Instacart?

This answer doesn’t change, leave your kids at home.

Kids no matter the age are not allowed to drive with you whatsoever.

Taking kids with you will also make your job a lot harder to them often being difficult.

If You Decide To Take Someone With You How Likely Is It That You Will Get Caught?

When you sign up for Instacart they don’t make you tell them which vehicle you’re using. So them finding out is very unlikely.

You also don’t even have to identify you as an Instacart shopper when you’re checking out. This means the chances of a store employee to report you is very low.

So How Do They Find Out?

It would take someone to tell on you. If you are kind and don’t start any trouble with anyone it’s hard to imagine anyone tells on you.

The person that sees you doing so would have to know that driving with someone while you’re working is against the terms of service for Instacart and I don’t think many people look that far into the Instacart rule book.

Although the chances of you getting caught are low, we do not recommend breaking the terms of service while working for Instacart.

Can You Drive Someone Elses Car To Drive For Instacart?

Instacart doesn’t really ask questions about the car you drive. To protect yourself make sure you’re driving a car you’re insured to drive.

Otherwise a side hustle meant for extra money can turn into you shelling out a lot of money for an accident.

Can Someone Else Use Your Instacart Shopper Account?

No, you have to individually sign up and go through a background check. If you get caught i’m unsure how bad you’ll get in trouble but it could be significant.

What Are The Delivery Hours Of Instacart?

Delivery windows start as early as 9am and run as late as midnight.

A lot of everything depends on the local store hours.

If you are looking to work on the Instacart platform, take a look at this blog post explaining the in’s and out’s of Instacart’s hours.

How Many Instacart Orders Can You Take At Once?

When you get batches you can get two even three orders at once.

To find out more in depth about multiple batch orders and tips to complete them efficiently take a look at this article.

How Easy Is It To Get Hired By Instacart?

Getting hired by Instacart is easy, they make it pretty simple to go through their process.

If you are interested in working for them sign up on the platform take a look at their website for more information.

Can Multiple Family Members Use Instacart?

We already said above only one member at a time can drive for Instacart, but if you’re on the opposite side and are a customer you can actually place an order as a family.

this way everyone in the house can get what they want to eat.

Can You Have More Than One Instacart Accounts?

No, you can only have one Instacart account at once. If you’re having a hard time with that app we recommend you contact customer service instead of trying to sign up with a new account.


If you’re an Instacart shopper or are wanting to become one, i hope this blog post helped you with the question of whether or not instacart drivers can have passengers in the car.

Are you an Instacart driver and have any stories driving with other people? If you do leave your story in the comments.

Take a look at our other recent posts below:

Can You Have A Passenger with Instacart? (What You Need To Know)
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