Do Live Videos On Youtube Expire? (What You Need To Know)

Live videos on Youtube are a great way to connect with your audience and build loyalty. You can answer questions or do a walk-through of how you use a certain program or product.

One common question that is asked is will the live video expire? This blog post will answer that question.

Answer To The Question Do Live Videos on YouTube Expire:

When your Youtube live is less than 12 hours Youtube will automatically put it up on your channel. This means when people look at your videos they can look back at your live streams.

If you don’t want the stream to be visible you can delete it or just set it to private.

If your video goes over the 12-hour mark it may disappear altogether for storage purposes.

Do Live Stream Videos Get You Watch Hours?

Live streams don’t count as watch hours so if you think you can just go live for an hour and get watch hours you are out of luck. This goes along with private videos, video ads, and deleted videos.

However, one way you can get watch hours from a live stream is if you leave it public on your channel when it’s over. Every time someone watches it after it’s over you will get watch hours.

There are still benefits to live streaming though. One of the biggest benefits is Youtube pushing your live video on the recommended feed. This means that people who aren’t subscribers get the chance to see your live, which can result in new subscribers.

With the subscribers you get from the live stream you can then count on some of them to watch your actual videos which will increase watch time.

Can You Leave Streamed Videos Up on Your Channel?

As stated above if your live stream goes over the 12 hour mark it may disappear from your channel.

Can You live stream on YouTube without 1000 subscribers?

If you don’t have 1000 subs you can live stream on your desktop or laptop but you can’t yet live stream on your mobile device.

Live streaming on mobile isn’t very helpful anyway because if you want to offer value on the live stream chances are you would need to screen record your computer screen.

Can you see who is watching your YouTube Live stream?

There’s no way for a Youtuber to see the complete list of everyone that is in the live stream. One thing that will give it away though, is if you get someone that asks a question or makes a comment.

Although you can’t see exactly who’s viewing you can see how many people are viewing which can help you get an idea of your audience size.

Can you live stream privately on YouTube?

Yes, it’s very simple to do this. Once you go to start a live video in the dashboard it’ll allow you to change the visibility settings from public to private.

This can be very helpful if you have a group of specific people you want to share the live stream with.

For example, if they are members of your course or something along those lines you can send out an email letting them know it’ll be live so they can tune in.

Do Subscribers Get Notified When You’re Going Live on YouTube?

Regular subscribers won’t get a notification for your live stream unless they’ve turned on notifications for you. Keep in mind it has to be “all notifications” and not just notifications for uploading a video!

Different Ways You Can Utilize Going Live On Youtube

When it comes to going live, there are many ways you can benefit from it. Below we will list a few ways your channel can benefit from using live videos on YouTube.

Instant Feedback

Live is great if you are looking for immediate feedback. When you go live, your viewers will see that you are broadcasting and commenting with them in real-time. You can ask questions or answer questions as they come up. You might be surprised how much you can learn from your audience this way! It is also a great way to see what works and what doesn’t work.

Affiliate Sales

When going over products live you can answer questions users have in real-time about that product. They can ask questions about your review or see if it’s relevant to them. Users are more likely to buy a product when it’s live because they feel like they are getting feedback from you rather than an edited video on YouTube.

This is a great way to increase affiliate sales. Although it’s not passive, sometimes you need that extra boost to get things going.

Video Ideas

As you go live more often, you can see what topics are resonating with your audience or help solve their problems. This is a great way to come up with new video ideas that will be helpful for your current subscribers.

Ways To Increase Live Stream Viewership?

If you want to go live frequently it’ll be good to know ways to increase the amount of people that tune in. Below are a few ways you can do this!

Use Social Media

Create tweets on Twitter with a link to your live stream. Doing this on both Twitter and Instagram can show up on the feed of users that are only on one of these platforms.

Create posts around Facebook using relevant hashtags or names of groups you want to join your live stream. This is a great tool if you are looking for targeted views which would be people that are interested in the content you’re broadcasting.

Create a Post On Youtube

If you’re using YouTube for your live streaming it’s important to create a post on your channel that directs people to the live stream.

Have a Possible Reward For Your Viewers

Live streams are a give-and-take situation. You need to be willing to give your viewers some kind of reward if they tune in. This will make it more worthwhile for users to watch you because there is a potential incentive coming their way!


Even live videos on Youtube rank. This is especially effective if the video you’re going live with contains keywords that are relevant to your industry or niche.

Do Facebook Live Videos Expire?

If you like to go live, you may go live on more places than just Youtube. That’s why it’s necessary that we answer the question do live videos expire on Facebook. After you’re done streaming, the live video will post to your profile. It’s up to you whether you want to keep it there or get rid of it.


Livestreaming is a one-of-a-kind method of connecting with your audience, regardless of their location. There are countless ways to use YouTube Live to boost your brand, including live events to seminars, panel discussions, and product debuts.

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Do Live Videos On Youtube Expire? (What You Need To Know)
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