Is Doordash Safe at Night? (Safety Habits You Need To Know)

Doordash has been gaining popularity as one of the the go-to apps for food delivery.

Many people are wondering if it’s safe to work for at night, so we’re here to answer that question!

This blog post will explain everything you need to know about working with Doordash during late night hours, and how this can potentially affect your safety.

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Brief Answer To The Question Is Doordash Safe At Night:

Doordash at night can be a bit more dangerous at night just because the crime rate naturally raises in the night time hours no matter where you are.

There are some precautions you have to take as a Doordash driver.

A Few Things Doordash drivers should do at night to ensure their safety.

Wear Bright Colors:

Dark clothes will blend into the anonymity of night time, so go with brighter colors that are visible.

Be aware of your surroundings:

Watch out for people on cell phones looking up at their phone instead of where they’re going, this is usually a sign someone’s about to mug you.

Carry Your Phone On You At All Times:

This is an important one. If you’re walking, keep your phone out and ready for any potential emergencies that may arise.

Call The Customer In Advance and Tell Them To Come Out and Get Their Order:

There has been stories of rideshare and delivery drivers getting set up by customers, so it’s a good idea to see if the customer can come outside and grab their food while you stay in the car.

Do not park in poorly lit areas:

Try to always park under street lights or somewhere with more people around.

If you do leave your car lock the door:

This will prevent thieves from breaking into your car and stealing anything valuable while you’re away.

This will also get rid of the possibility that someone will sit in there and wait for you to possible steal your car.

Always be alert:

It’s better to miss a delivery than not get one at all because someone mugged or hurt you on the way there. Always keep an eye out around every corner, and stay aware of everything that’s going on

Bring pepper spray with you for protection:

Just in case anything does happen, this is a good precaution to take.

Make sure you’re knocking on the right door:

If you have to get out of the car make sure you’re knocking on the right door, if you knock on the wrong door at night someone may think they are getting robbed and attack or even shoot you.

Sometimes restaurants aren’t open:

Sometimes restaurants aren’t open. When this happens you need to contact Doordash and they will give you half of the order value.

When contacting Doordash make sure you pull over in a safe, well lit spot and make sure you are aware of your surroundings.

Long Wait Times:

You often have long wait times while driving late at night. This is because the majority of places you deliver from are fast food restaurants.

You need to make sure you are extra aware especially on the weekends because there are a lot of people out trying to cause trouble because they are intoxicated.

Make sure all of your car lights work correctly:

This will make sure you are visible to anyone around.

Let your friends and family know that you are working:

This is important because it lets them know that you are working at night and they won’t be worried about where you are.

This is also important because if something happens to you, they know what you’re doing and can notify authorities if needed.

Is Doordash Safe at night

What Are The Benefits of Working Doordash Late Night?

Now that we went over how to stay safe we can also talk about the benefits of working Doordash late at night.

Less Compeition:

There is less competition at night. This means you can get more orders.

Less Traffic:

Not only is there less traffic at night, which makes it way more peaceful.

Better Tips:

Although we mentioned that people intoxicated may cause you trouble, sometimes when people are under the influence they become more care free and more friendly.

This means you have the potential to get more tips.

No Disturbances:

When you work during the day you might get phone calls from friends and family but when you work at night there’s a good chance nobody will contact you.

This means more time to focus on delivering and getting orders done quickly with less distractions.

What Are The Best Times To Deliver For Doordash?

If you could only do late deliveries that’s fine and its possible to make some extra money but the best times to work are lunch time and dinner time.


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Interested in signing up with Doordash? visit the Doordash website.

Check out this article comparing Instacart vs Doordash if you are unsure which one to choose!

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Is Doordash Safe at Night? (Safety Habits You Need To Know)
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