Can You Do Rover Full Time?

Dog walking and pet sitting are getting more popular by the day. If you’re a pet lover, these side hustles can be very good for you wallet and your mental health.

Rover, is an app that you can do both dog sitting and also dog walking. The question is, can you make a full time income using Rover?

In this article we will go over the details of Rover and if you’d be able to work on Rover full time.

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What Are The Requirements To Sign Up

Be at least 18 years old:

No one wants a kid taking care of their pet, so making sure your 18 is a requirement i’m sure everyone could understand.

Complete your Rover profile:

It’s important to have a complete profile.

Having a profile picture so people can see what you look like and some background information about you is important for potential customers to trust you.

Pass the background check:

The background check takes a look into your criminal history, which if extensive can limit your chances of being accepted by Rover.

Be available during the week:

If you’re only available on the weekends, this side hustle really wouldn’t make much sense since most dog owners have time off on the weekends.

Have the latest version of the Rover app:

Having a newer smart phone that is compatible with the latest version of the Rover app is important so you can get the best functionality out of the app.

What Are The Ways To Make Money On Rover?

There are three ways to make money on Rover, Dog Walking, Dog Sitting and Boarding.

Dog Walking:

Dog Walkers work with Rover to find a dog they like on the app and then walk them for 30 minutes.

With Rover you can offer your own price for walking but make sure you keep the rates competitive so you get more work.

Dog Sitting or House Sitting:

There’s also an option to stay at the dog owners home and watch the dogs for them as well.

The average price per night is $25 per night.


Boarding is taking dogs overnight at your own place.

The usual competitive price is the same as dog sitting around $25 per night per dog.

Boarding might be a little bit better because you can keep more dogs at your place if you’re feeling up to it.

So if you manage to get 2 dogs per night for a month, you can make $1500 that month. The trick is getting that many dogs every night.

How Much Can You Make On Rover?

It depends on how much free time you have.

If you only do dog walking, then you can make about $100-$400 per month depending on how many hours of work that includes.

If you also do Dog Sitting than it’s possible to make as much as 1000 a month or more working part time (if your rates are competitive).

According to if you really want to go all in and watch 4-5 dogs per night you can expect to make around $2,640.00 full time which is pretty good.

Who is Rover Good For?

Rover is mostly good for people who work from home. If you have a good job from home and are able to take on a dog or two per night, that income can really add up.

Rover can also be good for stay at home moms who want to keep staying home but need some extra money.

What Are The Pros of Rover?

Create Your Own Schedule:

You can make your own schedule on Rover.

Work from Home:

If you work at home and have pets of your own, it is a great way to earn extra money each month.


If you don’t like dogs then there may be something wrong with you!

All jokes aside if you’re a dog lover, making moeny on Rover is a no brainer.

Dog Friends:

If you have a dog yourself, this is the perfect side hustle for you.

You can make some extra money and also give you’re dog a buddy to play with.


Working as a dog walker, you can get a great amount of exercise.

You’re getting paid for a 30 minute walk which is a good amount of moving around.

What Are The Cons of Rover?

Not Stable:

Rover Sitters and dog sitters can ‘t be sure they’ll have work all the time.

If Rover has a slow season than it can affect your income and make life harder when paying bills.

Home Damages:

It’s a good idea to make sure you create a space for the dogs to minimize the risk of damage around your house.

If you have a good sheltered backyard area, this could be a huge plus.

Service Fee:

Whatever price you charge for either service, Rover charges a service fee of 20%

Application process:

People are very protective about their dogs, so it’s only right that the application process to sign up for Rover is intensive.

Can You Make A Full Time Income on Rover?

So time to answer the question, can you make a full time income on Rover?

The answer is not likely. Although rover can be a great tool to supplement your income, you won’t really be able to make a full time income.

Keep in mind, full time income does vary by location. Some people have higher expense in certain areas than others so some people might actually be able to cover their living expense.

For the most part though, Rover is a great tool to make extra along side your full time job.

A good realistic goal to try and hit which will let you keep a good work life balance would be 1000 a month.

This can help cover a lot of bills, just by having furry friends around.


If you’re considering working for, make sure you have enough knowledge for pet care, because pet owners take this very seriously.

Also mix it up. Try all the different options you can do to make money and once you figure out which ones you like best you can have a good amount of business coming to you.

Rover is a very flexible way to make money and if it sounds appealing to you i recommend you get start

Other FAQ

Can You Receive a Tip For Dog Walking?

The Rover App doesn’t have a built in tip feature but if your client wants to leave cash tips and drop them in the mailbox they can definitely do that.

Whats better than cash anyway.

Does it Take Time?

It does take a little bit of time to become successful, you have to build trust and make sure your services are top of the line.

If you build trust you will be able to get more jobs.

Are You Considered an Independent Contractor?

Yes, working for Rover you are considered an independent contractor.

How Much Does It Cost To Start?

To start pet sitting, dog walking o boarding with rover it is actually 100% free.

Do You Need to Provide Insurance?

No, Rover provides insurance for you.

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Check out this article about the best paying side hustles!

Also take a look at our other articles going over different side hustles and what they’re all about:

Can You Do Rover Full Time?

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