How Many Times Can I Apply For YouTube Monetization? (Explained)

YouTube Monetization is a program where you can earn money from your YouTube videos. To monetize videos, go to the Video Manager and mark your video as “Monetizable” under the Advanced Settings tab for each of your uploaded videos. When you’re ready to start earning revenue, enable Revenue Sharing or Ad Selling. You may only monetize videos that you own or have all rights for.

Many people ask if they can apply over and over to get monetization on their videos. The answer is yes, but there’s a caveat that it depends on your account status. If your account has been disabled or terminated in the past and is in good standing, you can apply again, and monetization will be approved for most videos. However, if your account is in a poor situation, we recommend that you wait several months before applying again.

Can I Reapply For YouTube Monetization?

If you were rejected for monetization, we recommend that you wait several months and then apply again. If your account is in good standing and has no past enforcement actions against it, the rejection shouldn’t prevent you from using it in the future. Keep in mind that YouTube may reject videos based on several factors, such as copyright, age restrictions, nudity, sexually suggestive content, violence, and mature subjects. This can also vary from country to country.

If the reason for your first application was due to a copyright or content ID issue, please resolve that issue first and then reapply.

Can I Get Monetized After 12 Months?

Yes, you can. However, if your account is under review for manual review, this may cause a delay in the approval of monetization on some videos. You can check the monetization section of your Video Manager for any videos that are currently under manual review.

Your account must be in good standing to request monetization on videos older than 12 months. If your account receives a Copyright Strike or is terminated, you’ll need to wait at least 30 days before applying again.

How Many YouTube Channels Can You Monetize?

You may monetize videos on up to 10 YouTube channels. Content from your videos can only be shared across these channels, so they must all follow the Community Guidelines and Copyright policies. Each channel must be linked to a unique Google AdSense account.

These channels don’t need to belong to different owners – for example, you can include content from a channel registered to your business partner or family member in your videos. Each channel must have its own unique YouTube email address and be registered to a different Google Account than the primary channel.

You can also apply to monetize videos on another channel if you have an approved Content Partner relationship through your Creator Studio, or if initially the upload was claimed under your channel but then later claimed by someone else. Videos uploaded by multiple channels for business purposes may be rejected due to a lack of information about the video.

Can I Monetize 2 YouTube Channels?

Yes, but it depends on your account status. If you have a monetized channel and want to request monetization for a new channel that’s not currently enabled for monetization, you must meet all applicable YouTube policies. Your primary channel will need to be in good standing and adhere to the YouTube Partner Program policies.

If you were previously suspended for Terms of Service or Community Guidelines violations, your new channel would need to wait seven days before being enabled for monetization. If you have multiple channels, one of the other channels on your account must have at least 1,000 subscribers, unless it’s a gaming channel with 10,000 total views.

Please keep in mind that due to the age of your account and the content you upload, we may not be able to monetize all videos on one or more of your channels even if it meets all other eligibility requirements.


The process for getting monetized is not difficult, but it does take some time to complete. You can reapply multiple times and your account will be reviewed each time you apply. Once you get approved, you’ll have access to all the YouTube features that come with being a partner including live streaming and Google Adsense ads on your videos.

Are you wondering why your youtube channel monetization is disabled? If so, take a look at this blog post!

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How Many Times Can I Apply For YouTube Monetization? (Explained)
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