Can You Have More Than One Blog on blogger?(Everything Explained) is a free blogging platform that allows you to blog for free. You can make money on via ads and affiliate marketing. One common question that arises in regards to is how many blogs can you have on one account.

In this blog post we will go over everything you need to know about how many blogs you can have on

Short answer to the question how many blogs can you have on blogger:

On Blogger, you may have up to 100 blogs per account. This is a decent number for a few reasons: first, because you’ll only need a few; and second, you won’t need 100 blogs in order to start making money.

How Do You Add a New Blog on Blogger?

All you need to do is go to the blogger dashboard, and hit the new blog button and start creating. It is really that simple.

Just make sure you decided on your blog title and focus on the type of blog posts you’re going to make for that blog.

How many posts can you have on Blogger?

There is no limit to how many blog posts you can have on blogger. However, there is a limit to how many static pages you can have and that number is 20. This shouldn’t be a problem because you probably only need a few pages per blog.

Does Blogger have a storage limit?

As you could probably guess based on the information above there is not storage limit on Blogger.

What is the difference between a page and post on blogger?

Pages are static pages that do not change. These can be your about me or contact page for example. Posts are blog posts which you update frequently and this is where the bulk of your content will end up being stored on Blogger.

Can You Make Multiple Blogger Accounts?

It is definitely possible to make multiple blogger accounts if you use a new google account email and password. There really isn’t a point to having another blogger account because 100 blogs on one account should be more than enough to do what you need to do.

It’s important to create good content instead of looking to start so many blogs. Quality beats quantity in the blogging game.

What is The Benefit of Starting Multiple Blogs on Blogger?

You can experiment with a couple different niches. This will help you figure out a few things:

What you’re interested in:

Blogging about things you care about is important because if you’re passionate about your topic, it will show in the way that you write and interact with readers. It’s also easier to get people to read if they can relate or find some common ground between them and the blogger writing each post.

What types of posts do well:

You’ll be able to figure out what kind of content brings in the most traffic and what kind of content you should avoid.

What niches and topics are the most profitable:

Some niches are more profitable than others. For example, you’ll probably make a lot of money blogging about fashion or health and beauty related topics because there are a lot of companies that want to advertise on these types of content.

Disadvantages To Running Mulitple Blogs on Blogger

May not be able to focus:

When you talk about to many topics and start writing about too many niches it can be hard to stay focused. You’ll also need time and energy for each blog so you may not have enough resources if you’re trying to run multiple blogs at once.

You may put in half effort:

When you focus on one thing at a time it’s easier to dive in and learn everything about that specific niche . If you spread yourself too thin, it will be hard to learn everything about any one thing.

It’s Easy To Manage:

While having mulitple blogs on blogger it’s very easy to go back and forth between the multiple blogs you have.


Now that you know everyting about how many blogs you can have on you can probably figure out that there is no reason to start more than one blog. Focus on quality content and you’ll be able to make your blogging business take off in no time.

If you think you’re capable of having more than one blogger account go for it, but i personally wouldn’t start a new blog until i had at least 50-60 blog posts on one account.

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Can You Have More Than One Blog on blogger?(Everything Explained)
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