What To Name Your Redbubble Shop? (Does It Matter)

Starting a Redbubble store is a good online business. It’s very competitive but there are a few ways that can make you stand out as a seller on Redbubble. Is your Redbubble shop name one of them? In this blog post we will go over how to choose your name and if it matters.

Will your Redbubble shop name make you stand out?

When going through Redbubble you’ll often notice people are using random names or even their own names. These names often have no correlation with what they’re selling and most people just go through the motions when it comes to starting a Redbubble store.

Most people would say don’t waste your time picking a name, but we say otherwise. The reason is because to stand out from the crowd you want to do some branding. If you’re niche is catered towards nurses for instance you want to make a name that reflects that.

The reason is because if a nurse buys a shirt from your store and goes to recommend your store to other people. If your store is your name they are less likely to remember. On the other hand if your store is Called “Nurse Planet” they will have a much higher chance of remembering.

So our question is, does your Redbubble shop name matter? The answer to that question is yes it does matter because you want to be branded and remembered.

How To Pick a Name

One way to pick a name is to do a random name generator on google. You can take two keywords or two names and enter them in together. When you do this on these type of tools, it’ll take different synonyms and create a vast list of different names that you may like.

Just make sure the name you pick isn’t copyrighted. If you don’t want to do this method another way is by brainstorming. You can sit down for a few minutes and write out every single word related to your niche, even if it’s random.

Why Is It Important To Pick A Good Shop Name The First Time?

On Redbubble there isn’t an option to change your store name. This is because they use this name to track your sales. So if you change your name it confuses the system. What you can do if you’re unhappy with your name is to start a new account that you are happy with.

Check out this blog post about how many different Redbubble accounts you can have.

What Are Other Things On Redbubble That Can Help People Remember Your Store?


A bio that’s short and sweet is good because it helps Redbubble decide who to push your content to. The more words that are in your bio the more Redbubble may be confused. A good example of a good bio would be “A Nurse Planet is the place to get apparel for nurses”

Profile Picture:

Your profile picture matters because it helps people identify you. If your image is of your logo, this can help people remember your store.

Good Customer Service:

One of the biggest things that can make you stand out is your customer service. If customers are happy with what they are getting they are more likely to recommend you to their friends.

If someone has a problem or an issue, if you resolve this for them it makes you seem like a trustworthy store. Also making sure your policies are very clear allows customers to have a better understanding of how you work.

Make Sure You Have Competitive Pricing:

This one goes without saying, if your prices are higher than another store then no one will buy from you.

Choose Good Colors For Your Brand:

Make sure your logo and banner colors match the overall niche. Certain colors set certain moods. You don’t have to go into a science lesson, but do some research on color psychology before choosing your colors. People will remember the mood that your store gave them.


We hope this helped you figure out the answer to the question does your Redbubble shop name matter? If you have any input yourself about Redbubble store names please write it in the comments below!

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What To Name Your Redbubble Shop? (Does It Matter)
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