Can You Use Amazon Product Videos On Youtube? (Answered Here)

Affiliate marketing on YouTube is a great way to make money online. Making videos explaining how different products work and how you can buy them on Amazon is a great way to make money online.

There is one common question that is asked about this process. Many people want to know if you can use Amazon Product videos within your YouTube videos.

In this blog post we will go over everything you need to know about this!

Short Answer To The Question Can You Use Amazon Product Videos On Youtube:

This sounds like a good idea at first glance but the answer is no. If you monetize your YouTube videos with google Adsense, using these videos may get you copyright strikes which can get your channel or specific video demonetized. On the Amazon side of things, you can’t use their videos on Youtube either so it’s a double no.

What You Should Do For Product Review Videos

You should upload your own original content. Take the time to buy the product yourself and create original videos that will help your viewers see how the item works.

This is a much better strategy because it’s original content. The fans of your channel will appreciate this because you take time out to create professional quality videos for them!

When To Use Amazon Product Videos And Related Content

You should use Amazon product videos within blogs or articles. You can put links to the products in these non-video posts so people who are interested can click over to Amazon and buy them.

If you’re writing an article about different products, linking out to Amazon with affiliate links is a great way to earn some money online each month!

How You Can Use Amazon Product Videos To Your Advantage

A lot of the Amazon product videos can give you good ideas to use for your own videos. So basically they can help you cut your preparation time down for your own videos. Not only can you get ideas from them, you could also see how you can make them better.

Is there a Way To Find Videos You Can Use On Different Products?

On Youtube, there are videos under the Creative Commons category. Creative Commons is when someone puts their content under public domain so other creators can use it.

If you add some value to these videos you can use them for your videos. Adding value means you have to edit it and add your own voice over to the video. Although using these videos won’t get you copyright strikes, they can also be flagged for repetitive content. Repetitive content is content that is already present on Youtube.

Tips To Make The Best Product Videos Possible

Don’t Skip Research and Product Testing:

If you don’t test the products hands on and thorough research can lead to lackluster videos that nobody will watch. One way to make sure the video is the best it can be is by using the product for a few days. You can also read customer reviews to see potential concerns and drawbacks about the products. Don’t make the videos all good features, also talk about the drawbacks.

Use a Tripod or Camera Stabilizer:

One of the worst things that can happen is shaky camera work. A tripod or camera stabilizer is an absolute must. If you don’t have one, they are inexpensive accessories that can help your videos stay steady and look professional.

Make sure your Audio is Perfect:

Audio quality is almost as important as video quality when it comes to ranking on Youtube. Make sure your audio is perfect with no background noise or echos before uploading it to your channel.

Add A Call-To-Action at The End of Your Video:

A call-to-action is a way for you to tell people what they should do next. At the end of each video, let them know that they should subscribe if they want more product reviews and tutorials like this one! This will keep them coming back for more content and keep them engaged!

Choose Good Titles and Focus On Youtube SEO:

In order to rank on Youtube, you have to make sure your videos are good quality and do well on the search engines. To ensure success post the video as a private video for now and wait a week or two before making it public so you can work on getting strong website links pointing back to the video.

Make sure the title is attention grabbing and has key words that relate to what people will be searching for. This way they’re more likely to find your videos! Don’t just stop there though, you’ll also want to optimize your description with keywords! You want both your metadata and content itself optimized for viewers AND Google’s algorithms…simply put, the better optimized something is, the higher it ranks in searches!

Be Patient:

Building up an audience on Youtube takes time. You don’t want to make 20 videos and then give up because you feel like it isn’t working. The trick is to be patient, stay consistent, and keep making quality content!


We hope this video helped you further understand how to use Amazon product videos and also your own video resources for creating better product videos. Quality is really the key here, so make sure you pay attention to all the details in your videos!

Never use amazon product videos unless you want to lose monetization or face copyright strikes. Be sure to read the TOS of any website that you are giving affiliate links for!

Don’t risk your YouTube Channel for quick money. Use original content whenever possible to make the most money online!

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Can You Use Amazon Product Videos On Youtube? (Answered Here)
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