Can You Stream Twitch On a Chromebook? (Things You Need To Know)

Streaming on twitch can be rewarding. You can build a community, make money and even become a professional streamer. But what if you want to do it on a Chromebook? Can you stream Twitch on a Chromebook?

In this blog post we will go over the answer to this question along with other factors you need to take into consideration.

Chromebooks are known for their portability, affordability and ease of use. But can they handle the demands of streaming? That’s what we will find out.

Answer To The question Can You Stream Twitch On a Chromebook:

The answer to this question is yes but it’s not as simply as it may be on other more premium laptops. The two main issues you’ll likely face are with the power of the Chromebook and ensuring you have a good internet connection.

When it comes to the power issue, it’s important to know that not all Chromebooks were created equal. Some models will be much better equipped to handle streaming than others. Generally speaking, the more expensive the Chromebook, the more powerful it will be.

Making money on twitch with a Chromebook is still possible though you might not be able to reach the same level as someone with a more expensive and powerful computer.

Lets hop into how to stream on a Chromebook:

In order to stream with Twitch on Chromebook you need to use software like streamyard. Streamyard is a live-streaming studio in your browser. It’s the fastest and easiest way to stream on Twitch from a Chromebook.

All you have to do is give stream yard access to your switch account and you should be good to go.

Now that it’s connected you can stream your entire screen, a specific window, or even just your webcam.

Why Can’t People With Chromebook Stream On Twitch Regularly?

Chromebook are made for more basic things like browsing the internet and watching YouTube videos. It’s not made to be running a lot of different programs all at once.

That is why when you go to stream on a Chromebook you may have a hard time because your computer may overheat or just not have the power to run everything smoothly.

What Are The Best Laptops For Live Streaming?

The best laptops for live streaming are typically going to be more expensive than a Chromebook. They will have the power to handle all of the different programs you need to run without any issues.

Some of the best laptops for live streaming are the latest versions of the Macbook Pro, the Razer Blade and the Asus ROG.

Each one of these laptops come with their own sets of pros and cons so it’s important to do your research before you decide on which one is right for you.

What Other Devices Could You Use To Better Your Live Stream?

There are a number of other devices you could use to better your live stream. You could get a capture card, an external microphone and even an external webcam.

Each one of these devices can help to improve the quality of your live stream in some way.


We hope this blog post helped you figure out if streaming Twitch on a Chromebook is right for you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below!

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Can You Stream Twitch On a Chromebook? (Things You Need To Know)
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