Why Can’t Coinbase Wallet Determine Fee? (What You Need To Know)   

Few things in the cryptocurrency world are as frustrating as being blocked from executing trades you want to make just because your exchange is having a tough time calculating fees. This happens every now and again on Coinbase and it drives people crazy.

There are a couple of different reasons that Coinbase might not be able to determine a fee for a transfer at any one particular point in time. Most of the time it has to do with network connection errors, though sometimes it has to do with application issues, bugs that have yet to be resolved, and a host of other problems we outlined below.

In this detailed guide we go over most of the things you need to know about Coinbase fees, the problems you can run into when Coinbase can’t determine a fee, and how to clear these issues up as quickly as possible.

Let’s jump in!

Why Can’t Coinbase Wallet Determine Fee?

As we mentioned a moment ago, few things drive people as crazy as not being able execute a transfer or trade with their cryptocurrency just because Coinbase is having difficulty determining fees.

This isn’t a problem you are going to run into all that often. Coinbase has done a great job updating and upgrading their infrastructure to make sure that these kinds of problems happen a whole lot less frequently than they ever did in the past.

Still, if you find yourself staring down a “Coinbase Can’t Determine Wallet Fee” error code here’s what you need to know to resolve that right away.

Wallet Fees

A lot of people know Coinbase as a popular cryptocurrency exchange but are starting to learn that this platform also offers a wallet and hosted cryptocurrency platform 100% free of charge, too.

Now, there is a wrinkle to this “free” service, though.

You’ll be able to store your crypto in your Coinbase wallet without any fees, and you’ll also be able to transfer your crypto from one Coinbase wallet to another without paying any money, either.

If you want to transact across cryptocurrency networks, though, it’s an entirely different story altogether. You’ll have to pay network transaction fees (sometimes called miner fees) and possibly extra fees on top of that.

You’ll also have to pony up an extra 2% flat fee on the total value of your transaction anytime you want to borrow US dollars from Coinbase (or a Coinbase affiliate) and your BTC – bitcoin – has to be sold for collateral.

Both of these situations – transferring Coinbase wallet crypto to another network or selling off crypto to cover for your USD withdrawal – can cause the “Coinbase can’t determine fee” error code to pop up.

Coinbase Card Fees

Coinbase cards (essentially debit cards that allow you to buy, sell, and spend your cryptocurrency held on Coinbase) are free of transaction fees completely.

Sometimes, though, there may be a spread in the buy or sell price for crypto that you are holding to complete these transactions. That allows Coinbase to lock in a specific price for your execution when your transaction is submitted.

You want to be sure that all the right amount of “fees” have been calculated with these kinds of transactions and that some of your crypto hasn’t disappeared inadvertently.

ATM fees may also be assessed if you choose to withdraw your money that way.

Staking Service Fees

If you are holding cryptocurrency in your Coinbase wallet you may be provided with the opportunity to “stake” those assets as a part of a proof of stake network.

Should you choose to stake your crypto assets you’ll be provided with a payout/reward determined completely by the protocols established by the staking network itself. Your reward will be sent to you (less a 25% commission that Coinbase takes out) – and sometimes this fee” can present the error code we’ve been talking about.

How to Fix Coinbase Errors

At the end of the day, regardless of why you are seeing the “Coinbase can’t determine fees” error code it’s important that you go through the following steps to clear that problem out so that you can begin transacting again without issue.

Sometimes this fix is as simple as just executing a transfer again a few seconds later. Coinbase might have just needed a couple of seconds to sort of situate themselves, working through large orders, or catching up to transaction volume.

If that doesn’t work, though, here’s what you want to do.

Clear the Cache

The easiest way to sort of reset this error is to simply clear the cache on your Coinbase mobile app, clearing the app data at the same time.

Going to the SETTINGS of your device, find the APPLICATIONS SETTINGS section, and then find the Coinbase mobile app. Choose to clear the cache and to clear the data and you’ll be up and running without this error bothering you any longer.

Update the App

Another reason you might be seeing this error is simply because the Coinbase mobile app has been updated between the time you last opened the application and the transaction you are trying to execute.

If that’s the case, simply close down the application completely, check to see if an update is necessary, and if it is go through the entire application process from start to finish before reopening the application.

Reinstall the App

In very rare circumstances the error may be popping up time and time again because of problems with the actual Coinbase application install.

You’ll want to uninstall the application completely, reboot your phone to make sure that all temporary files have been flushed, and then reinstall the application from the respective app stores all over again.

Try that and see if it works!

Try the Web Version

Of course, another fix you might want to try is simply jumping from the mobile version of the Coinbase platform to the web-based version to see if that makes a difference.

Sometimes there’s just “bugs” running loose in your mobile app (or online) and trying an alternative way to access Coinbase fixes everything.

Closing Thoughts

There is – why you might be seeing the “Coinbase can’t determine wallet fees” error code and how to remedy the situation quickly and effectively.

Now you’re rocking and rolling! Did you find this post helpful? If so please share wherever you can!

Take a look at our other most recent blog post:

Why Can’t Coinbase Wallet Determine Fee? (What You Need To Know)   
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