What is the Difference Between Affiliate Programs and MLM?

There are many different avenues of making money online. Two of the most popular are Affiliate programs and Multi-level marketing. Choosing between affiliate programs and multi level marketing for your business can be confusing because they appear to have so much in common. This article explains the difference between affiliate programs and Multi-level Marketing.

Short Answer To The Questions What is the Difference Between Affiliate Programs and MLM:

Affiliate programs and MLMs are often confused but they operate differently. An affiliate program brings in an external body and allows them to make money through commission, while an MLM creates a hierarchical distribution system to sell goods or services through an extended network.

Each strategy has its advantages, and learning the specifics of operation can help you distinguish between the two. In this article, we will explore the difference deeper and look at the benefits of each business model, as well as discuss which one leads to more profits and why the two are often confused.

The Difference Between Affiliate Programs and MLM

Affiliate programs are a passive marketing technique that includes an individual promoting the products or services of a business. This individual may receive the product or service for free, but beyond that, they only receive compensation through commission.

Multi-level marketing (MLM) programs are one of the fastest-growing marketing strategies in the world, and they are often referred to as pyramid selling or referral marketing (not to be confused with a pyramid scheme).

The multiple levels of this marketing technique create a hierarchy of distribution. These levels allow goods to be sold through a wider array of distributors with little immediate cost to the business for distribution or marketing.

How Can Affiliate Marketing Be Superior to MLM?

Affiliate marketing can be superior to MLM in many ways, primarily:

  • Control in choosing affiliates
  • Lower risk
  • Flexibility
  • A higher return on investment

Affiliate marketing also has a less negative stigma surrounding it, so that is one less hurdle to overcome when marketing your product or services. This makes affiliate marketing a low-cost option with low ongoing costs and a high success rate.

Control in Choosing Affiliates

With affiliate marketing, you can choose who you will be working with. This direct influence on who you work with, and you can evaluate their:

  • Marketing strategies
  • Reputation
  • Level of influence
  • Audience demographic

Having control over who you work with lets you target specific demographics and make sure that the affiliate is a good fit to represent your product or service. This helps you keep your reputation clean, and you can usually create a business relationship that benefits both parties.

Low Risk

The risk with affiliate marketing is incredibly low. There is little to no cost for this marketing technique. You may offer your product or service for free so the individual can construct authentic content to promote it, but there is no large upfront fee.

This lower cost exists during the entire relationship. The affiliate bears the weight for creating the marketing content to promote the content. They are also the ones who will spend time and money creating this content, leaving you free to spend your resources elsewhere.

Unlike a dedicated marketing team, affiliates only receive a commission if their marketing techniques pay off. This means that you will only payout if there is a sale using their specific link or code. You gain off every success they have.


An affiliate program can be adjusted as you see fit, and there is generally little to no cost to do this.

If you are having great success with your program then you can branch out to other affiliates and increase your reach. If you need to take things back a bit or discover issues with one of your affiliates then there is no drawn-out termination process to deal with.

This allows you to mold the affiliate program to your business as it develops with little hassle.

Higher Return on Investment

Because there is a low cost to start an affiliate program you stand to make a higher return on any investments you make into the program. This strategy has one of the highest ROIs because:

  • You work with a highly targeted audience
  • Your affiliates have built a relationship with their audience
  • The audience is more susceptible to influence

In short, you are paying less and making more sales when you are working an affiliate program properly.

In What Ways is MLM Better Than Affiliate Marketing?

Multi-level marketing has a few benefits, including:

  • Speed of growth
  • Profit off distributors
  • Taking weight off your shoulders

Growing Fast

Multi-level marketing is not a new strategy, but it is growing fast due to increased networking opportunities online. Individuals are warming up to MLMs because it is much easier for them to branch out and make sales for your company.

The key to consistent growth with MLM strategies is creating strong onboarding programs for participants. This might be a higher upfront cost, but it pays off down the line and gives your distributors the confidence they need to perform well.

Can Make Money off Each Participant

Many MLM programs have an up-front cost for distributors. This is almost always less expensive than what an individual would pay to start their own business, so it should not deter many.

Your business can either offer these materials at cost or for a small profit. After this point, a business will profit off each sale that the distributor makes. This includes any purchases made by the distributor, while affiliates usually do not purchase products to promote outside of the agreement.

Less Weight off Your Shoulders

An MLM strategy goes beyond expanding your customer base, and distributors can also do the work to promote your entire product base and educate others about your business. At times, this may also include duties that a public relations specialist would usually handle on a larger scale.

This can reduce your costs in many areas. While a business using affiliate marketing still holds most of the weight for distributing information, MLM businesses can rely on distributors to convey any information they provide.

Which Business is More Likely to Make More Money?

Because of the lower start-up costs and flexibility, most businesses that use affiliate marketing will make more money in the long run. They can profit off a wider consumer base and create a highly targeted marketing plan.

While an MLM has the same generic opportunities, this type of marketing strategy is less strict and has more room to be detrimental to the business.

Why do These Business Models Often Get Confused?

Affiliate marketing programs and MLMs are often confused because they both use individuals outside the core of the business to market their products and/or services. At surface level, the two appear similar, but digging deeper reveals roots that distinguish the two.


Businesses can find success with both affiliate programs and MLM, but they need to create a specific strategy for both marketing formats.

An affiliate program is great for tapping into a wider consumer base while still having control over who is representing your business. Multi-level marketing creates the opportunity for a business to branch out further and takes some of the burdens off the core of the business.

Either strategy can be successful with the right product or service and the right application.

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What is the Difference Between Affiliate Programs and MLM?
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