Do Comments Help YouTube Ranking? (What You Need To Know)

When you have your own Youtube channel as a side hustle it’s important to know the ins and out’s of the algorithm. Learning what to do in order to grow is very important.

One common question that comes up is do comments help Youtube rankings? In this blog post I’m going to dive in to that question and get to the bottom of whether or not they do or don’t.

Answer To The Question Do Comments Help YouTube Ranking:

The number of comments do matter slightly when it comes to ranking on Youtube. They also take likes and dislikes into consideration. Although they take these factors into consideration watch time is the biggest factor to help with ranking your video.

Why Youtube Comments Matter?

Youtube does matter in someways outside of the algorithm. Below are some of the ways comments can hurt you or help you.

A Bad Comment May Steer Someone Away

Youtube comments go further than the algorithm though. Pay attention to when you click on a Youtube video. A lot of the time you scroll down to the comments and see what other people say about the video.

This can often change your mind about that said video before you even get the chance to watch the whole thing.

When someone clicks on a video and see a negative comment on that video, it may make them not want to watch it.

An example of this would be if you searched for the term “how to fix a slow MacBook”, and then you see:

“This video is unhelpful. My MacBook is still really slow. I suggest not watching this video.” This is why it’s extremely important for you to put out content that explains everything thouroughly and in order. Doing this will mean that people come back for more video’s because what you’re saying is clear and easy to follow.

It’s Good If Your Comments Give a Sense Of Community

Some channels comment sections are funny, and give a sense of community. This is definitely the type of vibe you want to go for.

When people see this it will increase their chances of subscribing to your channel.

Youtube is a social platform and it’s important to keep this in mind when you create a Youtube account. After all, the more people who subscribe to your channel means the more money you can make from generating ad revenue from those subscribers.

How Can You Utilize Your Comments Section on Youtube?

You Can Ask People To Subscribe

A great way to utilize the comments section on Youtube is to ask people to subscribe. This works extremely well and it’s a simple thing you can do in order to get more subscribers for your channel.

Make sure you don’t over do it though. Asking someone to subscribe too much will make them feel annoyed and that you’re spamming them.

You Can Ask For Feedback

When you ask for feedback on something you should be sincere about it. Make sure you put some effort into your message asking for feedback because this is where people decide if they want to help or not.

They Can Give You Ideas

Another way you can utilize your comments is to have people give you ideas for upcoming videos. Sometimes people will give you an idea without even realizing it.

This is important especially when your channel has hundreds of videos and it’s hard to come up with new ideas.

A tip for this is to maybe include the persons comment in the video. This will make your subscribers feel more heard and they’ll be more likely to engage or even share your channel.

What Are The Most Important Youtube Metrics For Gaining Subscribers?

Now that you know all about comments and how they can help its time to dive into a couple more metrics that are important for Youtube growth below!

Watch Time

This is the number one factor that YouTube takes into account when ranking a video. Watch time can be determined by people watching multiple videos in your playlist, subscribing to your channel and/or watching many of your most popular videos.

Now only Does YouTube increase traction to videos with high watch time but they will also push your whole channel as whole if your watch time is high.

A way to increase watch time in your video is to promise something towards the end of your video. For example, saying something like stay to the end and find out how to get your free ____! This is a useful way to keep people engaged so they can get what you promised them.

Click Through Rate

This is why thumbnails are very important. If you have a good click through rate it will lead to more views and therefore higher watch time!

A trick to making good thumbnails is to think of it as if you were on the outside looking in. You want to make sure that your thumbnail catches people’s eyes and makes them click without even thinking about it. This is why colors are so important because they can convey emotions very easily.

Returning Viewers

Returning viewers are just what they sound like. People who have watched your video before and then come back to watch another one of your videos.

This is important because, just like how it works with youtube’s algorithm, people are more likely to interact with you if you’ve interacted with them first.  

One way you can boost return viewers is by adding annotations to your videos. An annotation pops up when someones watching your videos and it gives people the option to watch another video you’ve posted in the past.

There are more metrics but these are the most important and it’s important to understand what they do and how they work. The only way you really get better at growing is by analyzing data and studying up on everything that you can!


we hope this blog post helped you figure out how important comments are, how to utilize comments, along with other factors that are important to gaining subscribers on Youtube.

If you have any input below please let us know! We’d love to see your ideas.

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Do Comments Help YouTube Ranking? (What You Need To Know)
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