Do Instacart Shoppers Rate Customers? (Explained)

The Instacart service is a grocery delivery service that uses shoppers to pick items and deliver them to customers.

The company has been around for a couple year now, but there are still many unanswered questions about the process.

One of the biggest mysteries is how Instacart shoppers rate customers. Read on as we uncover what you need to know about this mystery!

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Rating system

In apps like Uber and Lyft the customers have the ability to rate the drivers. This allows customers to see who their driver is and if anyone has had any problems with them.

The opposite is also true. If an Uber driver has a bad customer they can rate them badly so drivers know not to pick those customers up.

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Does Instacart Have a Rating System?

On Instacart, you can get a rating as a shopper which will help you get more ratings in the future but unfortunately you can’t rate customers back.

So if you have a customer that is not a nice person or gives you a hard time you can’t rate them badly.

What Do Instacart Shoppers See About Customers?

Instacart shoppers can see the items that the store location, customers ordered, the tips and lastly once they shop the orders they can see the address they have to take the order to.

This means you can’t see the address of the person you’re delivering to before hand.

Is the Instacart Rating System Fair?

Shoppers can choose whether they want to take orders or not based on tips and if they really don’t feel like shopping at that specific store. This is the only power drivers have though.

The only thing is with tips, customers can also change the amount they want to leave at the last second. So choosing rides based on tips isn’t even set in stone.

The rating system for Instacart is definitely skewed towards the customer, as it should be, but bad customers should definitely be recognizable for the shopper.


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Do Instacart Shoppers Rate Customers? (Explained)
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