Can You Get Fired For Having a Youtube Channel? (Everything You Need To Know)

Having a YouTube channel can help someone take matters into their own hands when it comes to making some extra income. Eventually in time, you could make money in your sleep! One common question for people who want to start their own YouTube channel is whether or not they could get fired for having one. We are here to give you the answer and let you know everything there is to know about this!

Brief Answer To the Question Can You Get Fired For Having a Youtube Channel:

The short answer is no, you cannot get fired simply for having a YouTube channel. However, if your YouTube channel begins to interfere with your work or job performance in any way, then you could potentially get fired for that. Additionally, if you are using company resources (time, equipment, etc.) to film or create your YouTube videos without permission, then you could also get fired for that.

Below are some other factors that could result in you getting fired for having a YouTube channel:

Negative impact on the company’s image or reputation

If you’re saying absurd things and/or doing inappropriate things on your channel that could damage the company’s reputation.

Conflict Of Interest

If you have a conflict of interest with the company you work for and are using your channel to exploit that, then the company may fire you. For example, if you own a competing business and are using your channel to promote it while working for another company, that would be a conflict of interest.

How To Balance Work and Your Youtube Channel

Now that we’ve answered the main question, let’s move on to some tips on how you can balance work and your YouTube channel.

Time Management

This is probably the most important factor when it comes to balancing work and your YouTube channel. You need to be able to manage your time wisely in order to get both done. This means setting aside specific times for each task and sticking to it. For example, you could set aside an hour or two after work to film your videos and then edit them on the weekends.

Plan ahead

Another important factor is to plan ahead. This ties in with time management but goes a step further. Planning ahead means filming multiple videos at once and then scheduling them to be published later. This way you’re not scrambling to film a video last minute and you can focus on other things like work.


If you have a team or people who help you with your YouTube channel, delegate tasks to them. This will help lighten the load for you and free up some time.

Set boundaries

Last but not least, set boundaries. This means setting limits on how much time you’re going to spend on your YouTube channel and sticking to it. Once you hit that limit, stop working on your channel and focus on other things.

Will Jobs Even Look At Your Youtube Channel

In most cases before you’re hired, potential employers will take a look at your social media accounts to get an idea of who you are. This includes looking at your YouTube channel.

However, they’re not going to be looking for videos of you filming yourself doing crazy stunts or anything like that. They’re mainly going to be looking for any red flags that could potentially disqualify you from the job.

If you conduct yourself professionally on both social media and Youtube, you shouldn’t have an issue when it comes to employers taking a look at your channel.

Should You Put Your Youtube Channel On a Resume?

If your channel is related to the job title, it may be a good idea to put it on your resume. For example, if you’re applying for a job as a graphic designer and have a YouTube channel where you showcase your designs and tips and tricks, then you should definitely put it on your resume.

However, if your channel is not related to the job title, then it’s probably not worth putting it on your resume.

What To Do If You’re Paranoid About your Channel

There are ways to make money online other than YouTube, but if you really want a YouTube channel you can always make one without showing your face.

There are a ton of “How To” channels on YouTube that don’t show the person’s face. You could do something like that where you just show your hands doing the work.

Another way is by making presentation videos explaining things. You can use a program like PowerPoint or Keynote to make the presentation and then just record your voice over it.

Another option would be doing an anonymous blog.

What Other Platforms Can You Get Fired For If You’re Not Careful?

In today’s day and age, there are a plethora of social media platforms out there. And just like with YouTube, you can get fired for what you post on them.

Some of the most popular social media platforms include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok

And while you may not get fired for what you post on these platforms, it’s still important to be aware of the potential consequences. For example, if you’re constantly posting negative things about your job on Facebook, it could damage your employer’s reputation.

When posting always keep in mind that potential employers and customers could be reading what you’re posting. So, it’s important to be mindful of what you say and how you say it.


All in all, you cannot get fired for simply having a YouTube channel. However, if your YouTube channel begins to interfere with your work or job performance in any way, then you could potentially get fired for that.

We hope this blog post helped you figure out the process for starting a channel while you’re still employed.

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Can You Get Fired For Having a Youtube Channel? (Everything You Need To Know)
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