How Hard Is It To Make $500 Per Month As a Blogger?

Making money blogging seems like a long shot. Especially $500 per month. How hard is it to get to the $500 per month mark?

Making $500 Per Month could be pretty hard, or it could be easy. How fast you get there depends on many factors including your niche, the number of blog posts you’re able to post, how high the ad rates are for your niche, your monetization methods, google indexing, you’re ability to find underserved topics, and of course, traffic.

Below we will go into each of these in-depth to give you a better understanding of how hard it is to make $500 per month blogging.


The niche you’re in will have a big impact on how easy it is to make money blogging. If you’re in a highly competitive niche, it will be harder to make money because more people are trying to do the same thing.

However, if you’re in a less competitive niche, it will be easier to make money because fewer people are competing for the same dollars.

Number of Blog Posts

The number of blog posts you’re able to post will also have an impact on how much money you can make. If you’re only able to post a few times per month, it will be harder to make money because you have less content for people to consume.

However, if you’re able to post multiple times per day, it will be easier to make money because you have more content for people to consume.

Ad Rates

The ad rates for your niche will also have an impact on how much money you can make. If the ad rates are low, it will be harder to make money because you won’t be able to make as much money per page view.

There are high ad rates in niches that involve money. Let’s take golf for example. People searching Google for “golf clubs” are looking to spend money on golf clubs. This means that the ad rates are high because advertisers know that people searching for “golf clubs” are likely to spend money.

On the other hand, there are low ad rates in niches that don’t involve money. Let’s take cats for example. People searching Google for celebrity gossip are not looking to spend money. This means that the ad rates are low because advertisers know that people searching for celebrity gossip are not likely to spend money.

Monetization Methods

We spoke about ad rates, so that’s one monetization method. There are other monetization methods as well such as affiliate marketing, product sales, and sponsored posts.

If you’re able to utilize multiple monetization methods, it will be easier to make money because you’ll have more than one stream of income.

Google Indexing

It’s not like you just post, and all of a sudden your site is indexed by Google. Google has a process that it goes through to index sites. The faster your site is indexed, the easier it will be to make money because people will be able to find your content more easily.

The speed of Google’s indexing process depends on many factors such as the age of your domain, the number of backlinks, and the quality of your content.

New sites could take weeks or even months to get indexed. However, if your site is a few years old and has a lot of backlinks, you could be indexed within days.

Underserved Topics

underserved topics are the key to making money blogging. These are topics that people are interested in, but there aren’t a lot of blogs talking about them.

The way I find underserved topics is by using Keyword chef. This is a tool that allows you to enter in a keyword and it shows you scores based on how high the competition is.


Last but not least, traffic will also have an impact on how much money you can make. If you have a lot of traffic, it will be easier to make money because you’ll have more people coming to your site.

However, if you have very little traffic, it will be harder to make money because you won’t have as many people coming to your site.

In Summary

Making $500 per month blogging could either be really easy, or really hard depending on your niche, the number of blog posts you’re able to post, the ad rates for your niche, your monetization methods, google indexing, and traffic.

When deciding to start a blog, you need to think about all of these factors.

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How Hard Is It To Make $500 Per Month As a Blogger?
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