How Hard Is It To Make Money Ebay Dropshipping (Examined)

eBay. One word, one huge company, but it has a million purposes. A multi-national e-commerce company in America, eBay is one of the largest and fastest-growing corporations globally. It caters to various countries, offering a wide range of goods and services. Moreover, it is also a popular platform which many online merchants utilize. Because eBay offers its services in various places, it has become a source of income for many people. 

One of the ways through which people make money online is through eBay dropshipping. In a nutshell, dropshipping describes moving goods from one place to another without processing them through the usual distribution channels. This means that once you purchase an item from the manufacturer or retailer, that item is immediately shipped to your customer. So, How Hard Is It To Make Money Ebay Dropshipping? Read on to find out. 

Short Answer To The Question How Hard is it to make money eBay dropshipping

Once you get the hang of things, eBay dropshipping is not that hard. In fact, it is a good way to get a decent income through the internet. It offers a popular platform for online users and buyers alike.

Does eBay allow dropshipping?

eBay can be considered a nest of almost all online auctions and business transactions. And as consumers, all people want is a faster, easier way to transact with each other. That is why many users, consumers, and business owners do eBay dropshipping. So to answer that question, yes. eBay allows dropshipping.

How much money can I realistically make dropshipping On Ebay?

At present, the average drop shipper makes about 20% and 30% from each successful transaction. This means that you can make about $1,000 and $5,000 per month. Before arriving at this answer, various costs were already calculated. This includes money paid for the product from the supplier, the drop shipping fees, and marketing. Additionally, you will also have to pay for the dropshipping websites. 

Why Do Some Dropshippers Fail?

While dropshipping is an excellent way to make money, not everyone is successful. This is because there are various aspects they tend to overlook or miscalculate. Some dropshippers fail because of the following reasons. 

  • Deciding to go with the trend. Offering and dropshipping the latest trends may sound appealing to you, but this is a common mistake. While you can notice that this is what makes the sales lately, you might overlook that only big, established dropshipping businesses get the load of demands.
  • Not presenting products professionally. Whether you’re just a beginner or have been in the business for a long time, making your products presentable makes a big difference in customer satisfaction and engagement. 
  • Inefficient customer service. As someone who runs a business, efficient customer service should also be one of your priorities to assist your customers. Some customers are meticulous, which means they ask several questions before proceeding with their order. For every customer you lose, other businesses gain. 
  • Having unrealistic expectations. Some drop shippers have been inspired to start their business through the success stories of others. As inspiring as it may be, this also serves as the poison in your dropshipping business. Others’ success becomes the timeline for others, so a lot quickly give up when reality doesn’t match their expectations. 

What Are The Best Ways To Get Products For Dropshipping On eBay?

As a beginner, you’ll probably encounter feeling lost or confused about how to start your dropshipping business. After all, a lot of people are doing it, and you just can’t wait to get going with your own. The first step towards your success is knowing the best ways to get products for dropshipping on eBay. 

The first way is to conduct your research. In doing this, you will be able to analyze and glimpse how well a product is selling online. The second way to get started is by finding cheap items or goods to sell. It’s okay to start small and slowly progress into offering something bigger. Lastly, it is to create a network where reliable suppliers are involved. This way, you’ll be able to make transactions and partnerships that can get you your products for dropshipping. 

How do you dropship for beginners?

Are you excited about making your dropshipping plans a reality? Here’s a step-by-step process on how to dropship, especially if you’re just starting.

Step 1:

Establish a PayPal account. Having a PayPal account offers you and your customers’ financial protection as a business owner. This also ensures that your transactions are legit and not with “ghost” customers.

Step 2:

Now that you’ve established a PayPal account, it’s time to focus on your pricing. Make sure that you offer competitive pricing. It should range in the middle of being too expensive and too cheap so that both parties benefit from it. 

Step 3:

Offer vouchers. One aspect that increases customer loyalty and engagement is free deliveries and other vouchers. By doing this, you’ll be able to establish a firm bond with your customers. 

Step 4:

Work your way towards becoming a top seller. When you’re a top seller, you appear in recommended sections, making it easier for new customers to discover your business. This also increases the legitimacy of your service.

Is it worth dropshipping on eBay?

Some people argue that dropshipping would only last for a few years, but it is a common misconception. As long as there are consumers, businesses, and retailers, it will always be worth dropshipping on eBay. Not only does it save time and energy, but it can be cost-effective too. 

Is dropshipping passive income?

Dropshipping can be a source of passive income. While most beginners do not earn a large amount of money at first, it won’t always stay that way. 

What is better than dropshipping? (Mention Affiliate Marketing)

Of course, dropshipping isn’t the only way to make money. Other alternatives can be considered better than drop shipping, such as establishing your shop, business or engaging in other businesses online. These businesses can be on Youtube, eBay referrals, and the like. 


In conclusion, dropshipping is one good way to earn money for a living. However, it is also one of the most overlooked ones. Business owners all have one thing in common and can be separated. They are all goal-oriented and motivated towards success but are divided between dedication and perseverance. It is easy to give up when things aren’t going your way, but it is essential to remember that things take time, even success. Good luck with your dropshipping business!

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How Hard Is It To Make Money Ebay Dropshipping (Examined)
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