How Long Does It Take To Get Hired On Upwork? (What You Need To Know)

You’re probably enthusiastic about getting started on a freelancing career, and you’re wondering how quickly you can begin.

On Upwork the application process is fairly simple, you just need to provide some basic information and your skills.

But, just how long does it take to get hired on Upwork? In this blog post, we will go over the entire process, from signing up to getting hired.

Answer To The Question How Long Does It Take To Get Hired On Upwork:

The majority of the time, you will have your profile approved on Upwork within 24 hours. However, this is only half of the battle. Getting your profile accepted and obtaining work are two distinct issues.

But, how long does it take to get hired on Upwork? We’ll go through the whole procedure from beginning to end in this blog post.

The application process

When on the home page of Upwork you will see in the top right corner it says sign up. Click on that and it will take you to a form to fill out your basic information, such as name, email, and password.

Signing Up

On the bottom, it will give you the option to sign up as a freelancer or a client. Obviously, since you want to be a freelancer, select a freelancer.

Once you select freelancer you will be able to select a username. Your username isn’t that important.

The next step is to verify your email.

Create a Profile

Once you have verified your email you can start setting up your profile.

Your profile is the most important part of your application on Upwork. This is what clients will see and it’s what they will use to decide if they want to hire you. So, make sure it’s complete and has all of your best work.

When creating a profile you will have to include your skills. This is a list of all the skills you have that pertain to the job you are applying for. Make sure to be as specific as possible and add as many skills as you can. The more skills someone has the better the chance they have to get accepted.

Your profile should also include your experience, education and languages.

Set an Hourly Rate

At the end of the process of creating a profile, you will have to set an hourly rate. This isn’t as important as you think because you will probably make different amounts of money on a project-to-project basis. But, it’s still a good idea to set a rate that is in line with what you think your skills are worth.

Go Back Over Your Profile

Once you’re done setting a profile it’s a good idea to go back over it and make sure everything is correct. Check for spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and make sure all of your information is correct.

Applying For Jobs

Usually, getting your profile accepted is the easy part. The hard part is getting hired for a job.

There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of being hired for a job.

Apply For Many Jobs

The first thing you should do is apply for as many jobs as possible. Don’t be picky and only apply for the jobs that you think you are perfect for. Apply for a lot of work.

One thing to keep in mind though is to pace yourself. Applying to too many jobs can lead to your profile getting flagged for spam.

Don’t Be Robotic

Many people just copy and paste a message they typed out in hopes to get a job. Don’t do this. Read the client’s wants and needs and tell them why you think that specific job is a good one for you.

Include Work Examples

If you have examples of your work, include them in your application. This will show the client that you have experience in the field and that you are knowledgeable.

Start Out Applying With Lower Rates

Getting good reviews on your profile is important when it comes to getting hired for a job. When you first start out, you might not have any reviews. In this case, start out by applying for jobs with lower rates. This will show the client that you are willing to work for less and that you are serious about the job.

Apply To Jobs Where they’re Hiring Multiple People

One of the first times I personally got hired on Upwork, I applied to a job that had a listing that said they were hiring multiple people.

Applying to these kinds of jobs can help you increase your chances of being hired.

What jobs may be hiring multiple people?

Social media jobs

When a marketing company has many different clients they may need many different freelancers to help with all the social media accounts.

This job may include creating or managing a Facebook page, Twitter account, LinkedIn profile, and more.

Customer Service jobs

When a company starts to get too many customers, they may outsource their customer service to freelancers.

This job may include answering customer questions through email, live chat, or phone.

Virtual assistant jobs

This is similar to the customer service jobs. When a company gets too many clients, it may outsource its administrative work to freelancers.

Virtual assistants complete simple tasks like managing a calendar, making phone calls, handling email, and more.

Writing Work

If a company needs plenty of blog posts written they may hire a team of writers. This is the gig I applied for in order to get my first job on Upwork.

In most cases, you need to understand SEO and have some writing experience.


Getting hired on Upwork is not an impossible task. It just takes some time and effort. Follow the tips in this blog post and you’ll be well on your way to getting hired for work.

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How Long Does It Take To Get Hired On Upwork? (What You Need To Know)
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