How Many Instacart Orders Can You Take At Once? (What you need to know!)

Are you an Instacart shopper who is looking to make more money? You might be wondering how many orders can you take at once. With the limited hours that are available for shopping, it’s important to maximize your time and income. This article will explain all about how many Instacart orders you can take at one time.

What Exactly Is Instacart?

Instacart is a grocery delivery service that allows people to order groceries and have them delivered. Customers can choose from a wide variety of items, including organic produce and gluten-free products, as well as the same products you’d find at your local grocery store.

People use Instacart for many reasons: some because they don’t drive or hate going to the store, some because they are too busy but still want their groceries delivered.

What Does Instacart Shopper Do?

Instacart shoppers pick out items for customers by checking off what is in stock and adding it into a virtual cart. When complete, you will head to the customer’s desired location (home or office) and deliver the items.

Brief answer to the question how many Instacart orders can you take at once?

In most cases when it comes to Instacart batches you usually only get one customer at a time but there are times when you can get 2 or 3 at a time. It can be hard to organize 2-3 orders at once and many times instacart delivery drivers only take the batches with one customer.

You can also get multiple orders is while you’re shopping for a batch that only had one order, you can end up getting a notification asking you if you want to add an order. This is convenient because you’re already at the store.

Not all shoppers are excited to accept multiple batches because they don’t always receive compensation they deserve for doing multiple orders.

What is The Difference Between a Batch and an order on Instacart?

A batch may contain more than one order. So, for example, if a shopper assigned a batch to shop for three different orders that is one batch but three purchases.

What is the most Instacart orders you can get at once?

The most you can get at once is a triple order batch!

How To Keep Instacart Orders Organized For Double and Triple Order Batches?

When you get a batch that has more than one order, it’s important to keep them organized. Were going to go over the multiple ways you can do so.

Buy Multiple Bags:

When you shop for multiple orders that are in the same batch, using different bags can help you differentiate the orders eaiser instead of putting it all in the cart and getting confused.

Make sure that these bags you use are insulated bags so the items stay cold and fresh.

Use Post It Notes:

Lets say you have two orders and you have four separate bags (2 for one order and 2 for the other) for each order. It is a good idea to use post it notes to separate both orders by writing the order name down on them and placing them on the bags.

When shoppers get two orders or even three within a batch they are ordered by letters A, B or C. It is important to also put these letters on the bags for when you’re shopping in store.

What is the best way to be time efficient when you have multiple orders for Instacart?

Going over one order at a time may take forever. You can end up going to the same sections two or three times.

We recommend going over all the orders together, this way you can minimize going to each section more than once as much as possible. It won’t always work out perfectly, but you can cut down a lot of time in the store by doing this.

Faster shopping times usually equals higher earnings for your Instacart shift.

Should you always do both orders together when you get multiple batch orders for Instacart?

If you feel overwhelmed trying to complete both orders at the same time, you can do one at a time. Although it may take a little bit longer to complete both orders, if you get frustrated easily doing a double batch in this fashion may be your best option.

What should you tell the cashier when you have a multiple batch order for Instacart?

When you go to checkout letting the cashier know you’re an Instacart shopper with multiple orders will help them understand that you have to keep all the items organized and keep them ready for instant delivery.

Batches that have double or triple orders can also take a little while, so letting the cashier know will also prepare them for the time it may take.

When Is It Good To Accept Multiple Order Batches On Instacart?

Order payout:

Take a look at how much you’ll earn and evaluate whether it’s worth the stress of taking that extra order or orders.

You’re a frequent visitor to the store:

There’s a chance that you will be familiar with certain stores if you’re a frequent Instacart shopper. Taking multiple orders is usually not too time consuming because you already know where everything is.


Are You an organized person? If you are then taking multiple orders at once might be the best option for you.

Not easily overwhelmed:

If you’re a person who doesn’t get overwhelmed easily, then taking multiple orders at once might be the best option for you.


We hope this blog post helped you figure out what to do when you receive double batches.

If you want to make some extra money and are interested in being an Instacart shopper visit their website.

Let us know in the comments if you have any instacart shopper tips when it comes to double batch orders.

Are interested in how far Instacart can take you on deliveries, if so this article is for you!

Take a look at our other recent posts:

How Many Instacart Orders Can You Take At Once? (What you need to know!)

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