How Much Does Fiverr Take From You? (Everything You Need To Know)

Fiverr is a great platform. It’s a good middleman between freelancers and those who need their services. Prices are reasonable, and it’s easy to find someone who can do what you need done.

However, one thing that can be a bit confusing is how Fiverr takes its cut. In this blog post, we will clear up any confusion and tell you everything you need to know about how Fiverr takes its fees.

Answer To The Question How Much Does Fiverr Take From You:

Fiverr has a pretty simple fee structure. When you buy a gig, the seller keeps 80% of the price. The other 20% goes to Fiverr. On the buyers side there’s also fees. Under $40 they will charge a $2 fee but anything above $40 is 5%.

Another thing to keep In mind is the payment processor you use. The fees for each one varies, but when you withdraw your earnings from Fiverr, they will automatically deduct the fee from your total.

Make sure you check each payment platform at the time of reading this to see what else will be taken from your earnings.

Why Are These Fees Acceptable on Fiverr?

There are a couple reasons why Fiverr deserves the 20% cut that they take. The first one is secure payments. When you buy something on Fiverr, your payment is put into an escrow account. This means that the money isn’t released to the seller until you’re happy with the work. If there’s ever a dispute, Fiverr will step in and help resolve it. This security is worth the 20% fee.

The second reason is because of the platform that Fiverr provides. They have a huge user base and they spend a lot of money on marketing to bring in new buyers and sellers. They also have great customer support that is always there to help you with any problems you might have. All of this costs money, and the 20% fee helps cover these expenses.

What To Take Into Consideration As a Seller On Fiverr

Because of these fees, freelancers need to take them into consideration when they’re setting their prices. Below we will go over a couple things you need to keep in mind.

Price Your Gigs Accordingly

The first thing you need to do is make sure you’re pricing your gigs accordingly. You need to account for the 20% fee that Fiverr will take when setting your prices. If you don’t do this, you’ll end up losing money on each gig.

At the same time though, you need to make sure you’re not over pricing your gigs. If you do, you won’t get any buyers. No one likes to overpay, so make sure you find a happy medium.

The best thing about Fiverr is it allows you to sell different tiers so you should be able to find a good price for each level.

Adding Extras To Your Gigs

To make a little extra money, you can also add extras to your gigs. This is an optional service that you can offer to buyers for an additional fee. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you could offer to design a logo for an extra $5.

If you’re selling a gig that doesn’t have any natural extras, don’t worry. You can still add them. For example, if you’re a writer, you could offer to write an additional 500 words for an extra $5.

Extras are also involved in that 20% fee that Fiverr takes. So if you’re selling an extra for $5, you’ll actually only get $4 after the fee is taken out.

Does Fiverr Charge a Fee On Tips?

Fiverr doesn’t only charge fees for the total cost of the gig, but they also charge fees on tips. If a buyer decides to leave you a tip, Fiverr will take 20% of that as well. This can be frustrating for some sellers because it feels like they’re being nickel and dimed.

Pros and cons of using Fiverr

There are some good things about Fiverr, and there are some bad things. It really depends on your situation as to whether or not Fiverr is right for you.


  • Fiverr is a great way to get started in freelancing
  • It’s a good way to build up your portfolio
  • You can make some good money on Fiverr
  • Fiverr is a great platform with a lot of features


  • Fiverr takes a 20% fee from your earnings
  • You have to be careful about pricing your gigs correctly
  • Some people don’t like the fact that Fiverr charges fees on tips

Overall, I think that the pros outweigh the cons. If you’re looking to get started in freelancing, I think Fiverr is a great platform to use. Just make sure you take the fees into consideration when setting your prices.


We hope this answers your question of how much Fiverr takes from you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. And if you’re looking for a great freelancer to work with, be sure to check out Fiverr!

Keep in mind all of this is subject to change, so always keep an eye out on the information to stay up to date!

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How Much Does Fiverr Take From You? (Everything You Need To Know)
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