How To Get Clients as a Freelance Makeup Artist (Tips)

Being a Freelance Makeup artist is a great side hustle for women looking to make some extra cash on the weekends or after work.

Getting out there can be a bit of a challenge for a make up artist that is just getting started,there are a few steps you can follow to make sure that your side hustle is running smoothly.

Be Active on Social Media

Being active on social media is very important when it comes to getting clients as a freelance makeup artist. Make sure to post your work regularly. One good strategy is to follow as many people in your local area as possible and be active when it comes to commenting and liking to other peoples pages.

The most important platforms to use as a freelance makeup artist are Instagram and TikTok.

Instagram is probably the most important because it has the highest rate of users that are looking to hire a makeup artist.

TikTok can be a good way to expand your business to a more broad audience. You can speak about different make up products and trends in the make up industry. If you can do this you can also build an online income through freelance makeup which would be a huge boost for your side hustle.

Some online income streams you can achieve through this would be affiliate marketing, blogging, YouTube etc.

Word Of Mouth

Word of mouth can be one of the best and in some cases most effective ways to get clients as a freelance makeup artist.

If you happen to have a client that likes the work that you’ve done for them, just ask them to share it with their friends and family in order to get their opinion.

This is probably the most common way freelance make up artists get more clients. If you do good work it will speak for itself and people will recommend you to their friends and family.

Go To Events

This is another good way to get your client base up.

Going to specific makeup events will allow you to network with like minded individuals. This will help you learn different tips and tricks of the trade which can make for better results on your clients.

It’s also a good way to meet new people who may turn out to be potential clients after they see your work.

Be Flexible With Your Pricing

Being flexible with the pricing of your services is always an effective way to get more clients as a freelance makeup artist.

This is important especially when you’re getting started. You can’t charge a lot of money if you don’t have a solid client base and the experience to back it up.

Charging cheap in the beginning and growing your business is a much better strategy than charging high prices that you’ll be unable to keep because you don’t have enough clients.

Follow Up With Past Clients

Checking in with past clients will keep you fresh in their mind. Not only is this good for when they need to get their makeup done next but it also will increase the chances they will recommend you to someone else.

Being proactive is always a good thing when it comes to getting more clients as a freelance makeup artist.

You can also offer them deals or discounts on future services in order to build loyalty. It’s all about creating long lasting relationships which will help you grow your side business.

Another thing to do with past clients is write down exactly how they liked their makeup up. This way in the future if you do their makeup again you can mimic the same style and techniques.

Start Your Own Website

This is not really necessary but it can be a good idea to have your own website. This will give you an edge over other freelance makeup artists because people are more likely to hire someone with their own website rather than just being active on social media or going around town looking for clients.

Another advantage a website can give you is that you can start blogging on there as well. Posting blogs on there can give you the opportunity to earn some money with ads.

This way you can put some money aside to reinvest in your business for supplies and equipment.

Start a Youtube Channel

Having a Youtube channel is another idea that you can implement. You can start uploading videos teaching people how to do various makeup styles or tutorials of the make up looks you’ve done on your clients.

This is an effective way to build a portfolio and attract more freelance makeup artist jobs. Just like starting your own website, not only is this good to spread awareness about yourself but you can also make money with Adsense.

Other Tips To Be Successful

Keeping Track of Expenses

Tracking your expenses as a freelance makeup artist is an important step that should not be overlooked, especially when you first start out. You need to know how much money you’re earning or losing before you get too far into business.

Whether it’s traveling somewhere for a client or buying supplies, you need to keep track of everything so that way in the future when things change with pricing or demand you have accurate records that will help determine if this was profitable or not.

Create a Business Plan

One of the most important things that you need to do as a freelance makeup artist is create a business plan. This should be your first step before diving into anything else.

A good business plan will help you determine if this side gig can turn into something bigger or not, because it’s important to test the waters before jumping right in.

You don’t want to lose money on something that may not have any future for you at all, especially when there are other options out there for making money online through content writing and blogging websites.

Research Your Competition

Depending on what kind of freelance makeup artist you are it might benefit you to research your competition just so that way you know how they operate and what their prices are like.

This will help you determine what your services should cost and how much the average person is willing to pay for it. You can also use this information to find out where their gaps in service are and provide a better service with higher quality products that most don’t expect if you’re going after a higher end client base.


We hope these simple, straight for ward ideas can help you become a better freelance makeup artist. There are a lot of ways to make money with your skills and it’s up to you which ones you want to pursue.

If these tips work for you or if you have some of your own don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments below!

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How To Get Clients as a Freelance Makeup Artist (Tips)
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