Is Fiverr Bad? (Everything You Need To know)

When it comes to freelancing platforms a lot of them get a bad rap because of many reasons. This leaves the question, is Fiverr bad?

Fiverr is a freelancing platform that has been growing in popularity over the past few years. It allows businesses to find and hire freelancers for various tasks and projects. There are many benefits to using Fiverr, but there are also some drawbacks.

In this blog post we will go over why Fiverr could seem bad, and if it’s actually worth using.

Answer To The Question Is Fiverr Bad For Freelancers:

First, let’s start with the answer to the question is Fiverr bad. The simple answer is no. Fiverr is not a bad freelancing platform, and there are many reasons why businesses and freelancers use it.

Fiverr has been growing in popularity because it’s an easy to use platform that connects businesses with freelancers. There are many different categories of services that businesses can choose from, and freelancers can offer their services at a variety of price points.

In the rest of this blog post we will go over the misconceptions of Fiverr and why some people would say it’s bad.

Nobody Likes The Fees

When it comes to getting paid on Fiverr, there are some fees that businesses and freelancers have to pay. When you get paid from a client on Fiverr they take 20% of the total amount.

This leaves customers with less money than what they were expecting to pay, and can be frustrating.

Why Are These Fees Good?

These fees are good because they cover all different things. First off when it comes to payments, Fiverr protects both the businesses and freelancers. They hold the payments until the project is completed, and then release it to the freelancer.

The second reason these fees are good is because it allows Fiverr to keep the lights on and continue improving the platform. When it comes to things like marketing and customer support, these fees allow them to pay for it.

There Are Scammers On The Platform

Although Fiverr takes huge measures to make sure that there are no scammers on the platform, there will always be a few that slip through the cracks.

Some freelancers when signing up for Fiverr are not aware of the potential scams that could happen. If they end up getting scammed it leaves a bad taste in their mouth, and they could warn others about the platform.

How To Avoid Scams On Fiverr

The number one rule to avoid getting scammed on Fiverr is to not give your information out for anything outside of the Fiverr platform. This means that you should not be sharing your PayPal information, email address, or any other type of personal information.

Scammers will try and get you off the platform in order to scam you, so always be aware of this.

Other Freelancers Low Balling Prices

As a Freelancer, it may be normal for you to feel like Fiverr is a scam because of how low some of the prices are. You could be offering a service for $100, and then see someone else offering the same thing for $5.

The reason that this happens is because some freelancers are willing to work for very low prices in order to get their foot in the door. Also some freelancers work from locations that have a very low cost of living, so they can afford to work for less.

Solution To This Problem

The solution to this problem is to not get discouraged, and to know your worth. If you see someone else offering a service for a lower price, don’t worry about it.

You can always offer your services at a discounted rate in order to compete with other freelancers, but make sure you are still making a profit.

The best thing you could do is hustle hard to get your first few clients, and then everyone else will see that you’re worth the price you’re charging.

De-ranking Gigs

Another reasons some people think Fiverr is a scam, is because their gig could get de-ranked. This happens when Fiverr makes changes to how the search algorithm works, and your gig suddenly falls in the rankings.

The reason that this happens is because Fiverr is trying to make sure that only the best gigs are being shown to buyers. If your gig is good, then there is nothing to worry about.

But if you feel like your gig was de-ranked for no reason, then you can always reach out to Fiverr support and they will help you out.

How To Do Your Best To Keep Your Gigs Ranking

The best way to keep your gigs ranking is to make sure that you are constantly creating new and interesting content. This means that you should be updating your gig description, images, video, etc.

Fiverr is always changing the algorithm, so it’s important to stay on top of things. If you do this then there is no reason why your gig shouldn’t be ranking.

Is Fiverr Worth it?

Although Fiverr has its downsides, it is still a great platform to make money as a freelancer. If you can avoid the scams, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t give it a try.

At first it may be hard to get started, but if you hustle and offer great services then you will be successful.

Over time you can build a great reputation on Fiverr, and eventually you will be able to start charging more for your services.

So overall, yes Fiverr is worth it!


Fiverr is a great platform for businesses and freelancers, but there are some downsides to it. In this blog post we talked about the fees, scams, and low balling prices.

Even though there are some downsides, we think that the pros outweigh the cons. Fiverr is an easy to use platform that has a ton of different services to choose from.

If you’re a business or freelancer looking for an online marketplace, we recommend giving Fiverr a try.

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Is Fiverr Bad? (Everything You Need To know)
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