How To Make Money Hiking (7 Realistic Ways)

Hiking is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air. It takes your mind away from everything going on in your life. It can be very peaceful and calming. But did you know that you can make money hiking?

In this blog post, we will go over multiple ways you could make money hiking, so that next time you lace up your boots, you could be making some extra cash.

1. Sweat Coin

Sweat Coin is an app that pays you for walking. It tracks your steps and gives you coins that can be redeemed for prizes, such as gift cards or discounts on other cool things.

There is no correlation when it comes to Sweatcoin and USD. The amount of steps you take is what determines how many coins you earn. The promotions you choose will decide on what the value of your coins. Meaning there’s no true value of a “Sweatcoin.”

This app isn’t going to make you rich, but it’s a good way to make some extra cash while you’re out and about doing your thing.

Sweat Coin tends to drain your battery a little bit faster than usual. So it’s recommended to get a portable charger if you’re going to use this app for an extended period, and also learn the trail conditions before you go so you’re not surprised by any unexpected changes.

2. Start a Hiking Blog

There are a lot of people out there who like hiking, but don’t know where to start. A lot of trails could seem confusing, and that barrier to entry might be just enough to stop someone from going on a hike.

If you’re an experienced hiker and love to write, then starting a hiking blog could be a great way to make some money. You could write about your experiences on the trail, review different trails and gear, and give advice to new hikers.

This is an especially good idea if you’re already an experienced blogger and have a large following. You could monetize your blog with ads, affiliate marketing, or even start selling your own hiking gear.

The key to making money with this method is to offer value to your readers. If you can help people enjoy hiking more, then they’ll be more likely to come back to your blog and even tell their friends about it.

3. Start a Hiking YouTube Channel

A lot of people love watching videos, and there are a ton of hikers out there who would love to see videos about hiking. If you’re camera-savvy and love making videos, then starting a hiking YouTube channel could be a great way to make some money.

Even doing a simple walk-through of a trail using a go pro is a great idea. This is because people who want to hike a specific trail will want to see what it’s like before they go. This is because different hikes have different difficulty levels, and people want to make sure they’re prepared before they start.

You can either do a voice-over of the video you take, or you could talk in real time as you’re walking. This is a great way to show off your personality and connect with your viewers.

4. Sell Stock Photos

Many people need quality stock photos. Bloggers, YouTubers, and small businesses are always in need of good photos. And what better place to get photos than from hikes?

If you have a good eye for photography, then this could be a great way to make some money. You could take pictures of the different landscapes, animals, and plants on your hike, and sell them online. There are a number of websites that you can use to sell your photos, such as Shutterstock, iStock, and Adobe Stock.

The key to making money with this method is to take high-quality photos. This means using a good camera and taking the time to edit your photos so that they’re perfect before you upload them.

If your photo quality isn’t good enough, a lot of these websites won’t accept your photos. So it’s important to make sure that you’re taking quality photos if you want to make money with this method.

5. Wild Land Firefighter

I’ve always liked going on hikes myself. Living in New Jersey, there are a ton of great trails to hike all year round. But one thing that I never really thought about was how dangerous hiking can be.

Every year, there are several wildland fires across the country. And these fires often start in remote areas, such as forests and national parks. This is where firefighters come in.

If you’re looking for a more adventurous way to make money, then you could become a wildland firefighter. These firefighters usually have a base in the middle of nowhere, and they’re responsible for putting out fires that start in the surrounding area, along with rescuing any hikers who might be in danger.

This is a great way to make money if you love hiking and adventure. It’s also a great way to help people and the environment.

6. Write a Hiking Ebook

If you live in a specific area that is popular for hiking, then you could write an ebook about all the best trails in the area. This is a great way to make money because you can charge for your ebook, and people will be happy to pay if it means they don’t have to do all the research themselves.

You can go through every hike, document the different trails, and even include pictures.

7. Create a Hiking Course

Many people overlook hiking safely. And this often leads to them getting lost or injured while on a hike.

If you’re experienced in hiking, then you could create an online course teaching people how to hike safely. This is a great way to make money because you can charge for your course, and people will be happy to pay if it means they can avoid getting lost or hurt.

You could include topics such as how to read a map, how to use a compass, what to do if you get lost, and how to hike safely in different weather conditions.


There are several different ways that you can make money from hiking. Whether you want to be a guide, sell photos, or write an ebook, there’s sure to be a method that’s perfect for you.

You could even put together a combination of these methods to make even more money. For example, you could be a guide and sell photos, or you could write an ebook and create a course.

The possibilities are endless. So if you love hiking, then why not make some money from it?

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How To Make Money Hiking (7 Realistic Ways)
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