How Come People Don’t Tip DoorDash Drivers? (Explained)

We know that in the past, people have tipped their delivery drivers for delivering a pizza to their door. But what about when they order food from DoorDash?

Why don’t they tip then too since they are the same thing as the pizza delivery driver? This blog post will explore why people don’t tip drivers for DoorDash orders and offer solutions to this problem.

Answer To The Question Why Don’t People Tip Doordash Drivers:

The main reason Doordash drivers don’t get tipped is because people know it’s optional and they think as a dasher you’re making enough money through delivery fee and service fee (which isn’t the case).

What Are Some Other Reasons People Won’t Tip Doordash Drivers?

Now that you know the main reason people don’t tip doordash drivers. Lets dive into some other reasons they might not get tipped.

They’ve had a bad experience in the past:

If someone has had a bad experience with a doordash driver in the past, they’re less likely to tip the next one. This could be anything from the driver being rude or taking too long to deliver the food.

They don’t know how:

Another reason people might not tip their doordash driver is because they simply don’t know how. They might not be familiar with the tipping process within the app.

Doordash Portrays The Message That It’s Optional:

One of the main reasons people don’t tip doordash drivers is because they know it’s optional. DoorDash advertises itself as a service that doesn’t require tips, so this creates an environment where tipping isn’t seen as necessary.

What Are Some Things You Can Do as a Dasher To Ensure You Get Tips

As a Doordash driver, tips are very important. It’s the main source of a drivers income. So below we will list a bunch of things a driver can do to make sure they get a tip.

Don’t Rush:

As a Doordash driver, you want to make sure that the customer’s food arrives quickly and safely. But rushing could cause accidents or mistakes in the delivery of their order so try to avoid doing this whenever possible.

Be Polite & Patient With Customers:

Being polite and patient with customers ensures they have a good experience when using DoorDash. If someone has an issue, listen carefully then do everything in your power to resolve it for them as fast as possible (within reason). This way they’re happy which could lead to a tip.

Make Sure The Order Is Correct:

One of the most frustrating things for a customer is receiving their order and it being incorrect. This is why you should always make sure that the order is correct before leaving the restaurant and deliver it as soon as possible to the customer’s door.

Thank Them For Their Business:

Always thank your customers for using DoorDash and for choosing you as their driver. A simple “thank you” goes a long way in making someone feel appreciated which could result in them tipping you.

If you’re nice enough they may even tip cash.

Mention Getting Tipped:

You can say something along the lines of, tips are greatly appreciated if you haven’t left one yet . This lets them know that you’re not being pushy but are simply mentioning it in case they haven’t already.

Give Them A Chance To Tip You:

Sometimes people don’t tip because they forget or didn’t realize there was a tipping option when using Doordash. People could change their tip up to 24 hours after the order.

Why It’s Important To Get Tips

If you don’t get tipped a lot and you have to worry about paying for your own gas as well as worry about your car maintenance, Doordash may not be the best food delivery platform for you to make a good amount of money.


As a Doordash delivery driver you rely on tips to make a living, and there are a few things you can do as a driver to ensure you get them. Tips are usually given for good service, so be polite and patient with customers, make sure the order is correct, and thank them for their business.

We hope this blog post was helpful in understanding why people don’t tip DoorDash drivers and how you can ensure that they do.

If you have any strategies you’re willing to share about how to get tipped please leave it below.

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How Come People Don’t Tip DoorDash Drivers? (Explained)
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