What Can Get You Banned On Upwork? (Everything You Need To Know)

To be successful on Upwork, you also have to play by the rules. Unfortunately, not everyone does that which can result in getting banned from the platform.

In this blog post, we will go over what can get you banned on Upwork as well as some best practices to avoid getting into trouble.



Upwork takes a very dim view of anyone who spam their clients or potential clients with unsolicited messages, invitations, or work requests. This is considered to be a form of harassment and it will not be tolerated. If you are caught spamming someone, you will be immediately banned from the platform.

Creating Multiple Accounts

Creating multiple accounts is another sure way to get banned from Upwork. Upwork closely monitors account activity and will detect any attempts to create multiple accounts. If you are caught doing this, your accounts will be terminated and you will be banned from the platform.

Fraudulent Activity

Any type of fraudulent activity is strictly prohibited on Upwork. This includes, but is not limited to, falsifying your profile information, lying about your skills or experience, or attempting to defraud clients or other freelancers. If you are caught engaging in any fraudulent activity, you will be banned from Upwork.

Asking For Payment Outside Of Upwork

One of the key benefits of using Upwork is that all payments are handled through the platform. This helps to protect both freelancers and clients from potential scams and fraud. If you ask a client to pay you outside of Upwork, you run the risk of getting banned from the platform.

Can You Ever Get Clients Off Of The Platform?

Yes, after two years then you can contact them wherever you want.

A Profile That Isn’t Verified

Upwork requires all freelancers to verify their profile information before they can begin bidding on jobs. This includes verifying your name, address, and phone number. If you do not verify your profile, your account may be suspended or terminated.

Below The Age Of 18

Upwork is not intended for freelancers who are under the age of 18. If you are caught using Upwork while you are underage, your account will be terminated and you will be banned from the platform.

Contact Information In Profile

Could you imagine how much business Upwork would lose if they allowed freelancers to post their contact information in their profile? It would allow clients to bypass Upwork entirely and just contact the freelancer directly.

Make sure you don’t have your contact information in your profile or you could get banned!

Asking Someone To Leave You A Positive Review

It’s perfectly acceptable to ask your clients for a review, but you should never ask them to leave you a positive review. This is considered to be bribery and it is not allowed on Upwork. If you are caught asking for a positive review, your account will be terminated.

If You Get Banned will they Give You The Money In Your Account?

If you’ve been banned recently you may be wondering if you’ll still get paid for the work you’ve already completed. The answer is yes, you will still get paid for the work you’ve done up until the point you were banned.

It may take a few days for the funds to show up in your account, but you will eventually receive them.

Can You Get Unbanned On Upwork?

It depends how serious the reason you were banned was. If you were caught spamming or creating multiple accounts, then the chances of getting unbanned are very slim. However, if you were banned for a more minor reason, such as not verifying your profile information, then there is a good chance you can get unbanned by contacting Upwork support.

Can You create a new Upwork account after suspension?

It is against the Upwork rules to create a new account after your old one has been suspended. If you are caught doing this, your new account will be immediately banned.

It’s important to note that even if you use a different email address, Upwork will still be able to detect that you are the same person. This is because Upwork uses several different factors to identify users, including IP addresses and payment information.

So, if you’ve been banned from Upwork, it’s important to accept that and move on. There is no guarantee that you will be able to get your account reinstated, so it’s not worth risking getting banned again.

Can You Reactivate A Deleted Account?

If you make the mistake and accidentally delete your account, don’t worry, you can usually reactivate it by contacting Upwork support.

Keep in mind this could take a couple of days to get sorted out, so you may not be able to immediately start working again. However, if you contact Upwork support as soon as possible they should be able to help you out.


So, these are some of the things that can get you banned on Upwork. If you want to be successful on the platform, you must play by the rules and avoid doing anything that could get you into trouble.

Do you have any questions about getting banned from Upwork? Let us know in the comments below!

We have many blog posts about how to be successful on Upwork, so make sure to check those out as well! Take a look at our most recent ones below:

What Can Get You Banned On Upwork? (Everything You Need To Know)
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