What email Should You Use For Upwork? (What You Need To Know)

Signing up to Upwork to be a freelancer is an exciting time. So exciting that you can’t wait to get started and land your first job.

One common question that comes up for many new freelancers is “what email should I use for Upwork?”

Short Answer To The Question What Email Should You Use For Upwork:

It doesn’t matter what email you use. You should use an email you check here and there so you don’t miss any updates regarding your account. Sometimes you may miss a notification via the Upwork app and if you check your email more regularly, you’ll be able to catch these notifications.

Should You Communicate With Clients On The Email Or On Upwork Only?

You must use the messenger system within Upwork for all communication with clients. This is so that everything is logged and in one place. If any disputes were to occur, you would have all of the documentation you need right there.

Getting you to communicate outside of Upwork is a common thing scammers do to try and get your personal information. So, it’s best to avoid communicating with clients outside of Upwork altogether.

Why Does Upwork Need Your Email?

The only reason Upwork needs your email is because of verification purposes.

Your email is how you login to your account, so it needs to be a valid email. When you first create your account, Upwork will send you a verification link to the email you signed up with. Once you click that link, your account will be verified and ready to use.

Upwork will also send you notifications to that email address, so it’s important to make sure you check it regularly.

Is There Any Other Use For Your Email On Upwork?

If you have press inquiries or want to do a potential partnership with Upwork you can email them at the email addresses listed on this page.

In order to reach the customer service team you don’t need to use your email, you can just use the support chat box located in the help center on the Upwork website.

Can You Make Two Upwork Accounts For One Email?

You are not able to have multiple Upwork accounts using the same email address. If you try to create an account with an email that’s already been used, you’ll get a notification saying “an account with this email already exists.”

it’s actually against the Upwork rules to have more than one account, so be sure not to create more than one account using the same email address. If you’re caught using multiple accounts, your accounts may be closed.

Are You Able To Change Your Upwork Email?

Lets say you used a personal email that has way to much going on and you’re missing notifications from Upwork. Or maybe you created an account using a work email and you no longer work at that company. Whatever the reason, you may be wondering if you’re able to change your email on Upwork.

The answer to this question is yes. You will just have to answer a confirmation email that is sent to the email address you want to use.

Once you’ve confirmed the new email, your old email will be deactivated and no longer usable.

Can You Link Your Email To Your Upwork Account For Clients To Reach Out?

You may be wondering if you can share your email on Upwork. The answer to this question is no, and it’s for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that it’s a security risk. By linking your email to your Upwork account, you’re giving out too much personal information.

The second reason is that it’s against the Upwork rules. You can read more about this rule here.

Think about how much money Upwork would lose if clients reached out directly to freelancers! It would completely disrupt the whole system.

Once you start a contract on Upwork you’re able to give clients your email for them to reach out and eventually do work for them outside of the platform.

Doing this may not be worth it though. I know you want to get paid the full amount, but the fees taken out of your payment on Upwork might be worth it though because it guarantees payments. It also protects both the freelancer and the client from scams, and offers other great benefits.


Below is a quick summary of what this blog post went over:

-The email you use for Upwork doesn’t matter, but it’s important to check it regularly in case you miss any notifications.

-You must communicate with clients through the messenger system on Upwork.

-Your email is only used for verification and to send you notifications.

-You can reach the customer service team through the support chat box on the Upwork website.

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What email Should You Use For Upwork? (What You Need To Know)
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