What Is the Instacart Shirt and Lanyard For?

When you’re starting out as an Instacart shopper, they send you a shirt and a lanyard. As a shopper, it’s good to know what these things are for and if you have to wear them. In this blog post we will go over what the Instacart shirt and lanyard are for!

So Do You Need To Wear The Instacart Uniform?

Instacart gives you an Instacart shirt as a way to welcome you to the Instacart team. When it comes to necessity, you don’t have to wear the shirt when you work. As an independent contractor, you could wear whatever you would like. For the lanyard on the other hand, they give this to you as a way to give you an identity as an Instacart shopper. It’s good for store employees, and also members of the house you’re delivering to.

What Are Some Pros of wearing the Instacart Lanyard and Shirt?

Keeps you safe:

If people don’t know who you are going on to their property they may feel threatened. In order to make the customer feel safer and recognize you faster you should wear them.

If you don’t want to wear the shirt, wearing the lanyard during drop offs could help you get identified.

People will be aware while you’re shopping:

If you’re rushing around trying to hit deadlines for deliveries people may think you’re rude. If they see the lanyard around your neck or shirt on they may realize you work for Doordash and understand.

What Are Some Cons To Wearing The Instacart Lanyard And Shirt?

People Who are potentially interested in working for Instacart may ask you questions about it:

If people see you who are considering doing Instacart they may ask you questions about it. If the conversation lasts to long they will kill your hourly rate and you can end up making less money. Especially if it happens on a regular basis.

Workers at the stores may not take you seriously:

I’ve seen a lot of stories across reddit of drivers explaining that they’ve worked at Instacart and the workers didn’t take them seriously.

They also mentioned the less people knew they worked for Instacart the smoother things went on a regular basis.


Some people like to work in silence. If you prefer your privacy and don’t want a lot of people to know what you’re doing, wearing the shirt or the lanyard is not ideal.

What We Recommend You Should Wear To Work For Instacart

We recommend to dress comfortably, but also look good at the same time. Below are a few reasons you should at least dress nicely.

When you look good you feel good:

When you look good, people perceive you in a positive way. You feel better about yourself and accomplish more when you dress nicely compared to wearing sweats around the house all day.

You can make a lot of connections:

Dressing well opens up opportunities for networking because when you dress nice you’re more approachable. This can lead to different opportunities out side of Instacart.

People are more likely to tip you:

When you dress nicely, people will perceive you in a more positive manner and will be more likely to tip you and respect your time.

Can You Wear Anything You Want As An Instacart Driver?

On the website it doesn’t really say what you can and cannot wear. I would dress how you would like people delivering groceries to your house to dress.

You look more trustworthy when you dress nicely.

Final Thoughts:

You don’t have to wear the Instacart shirt or lanyard, but we recommend that at least dress nicely because it will help with customer satisfaction as well as opportunities outside of working for them. At the end of the day what you choose is up to you.

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If you have a story about wearing the lanyard or Instacart shirt please leave the story in the comments below.

If you’re interested in signing up for Instacart, visit their website.

Do Instacart shoppers skip lines? Take a look at this article explaining the check out process for shoppers!

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What Is the Instacart Shirt and Lanyard For?

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