Why Doesn’t Your Youtube Channel Show Up? (What You Need To Know)

When you get your Youtube channel running it’s very exciting. When you post your first video the first thing you want to do is check out if it comes up in the search results.

You may have done this and realized your channel doesn’t come up. In this blog post, we will go over why your Youtube channel may not be showing up in the search box and some other factors when it comes to this question!

Short Answer To The Question Why Doesn’t your Youtube Channel Show Up When You Search For it:

There can be more than one reason why your blog post isn’t showing up within Youtube search when you try and find it. One of the first reasons is that you only have one video posted on your channel. You only get shown in the search box once you have a few videos posted on your channel.

A second reason is that there are no unique names on Youtube anymore, so when you search a certain term looking for your channel you may get results for other channels.

If your channel doesn’t come up right away when you’re first getting started this is completely normal. There are multiple factors to keep in mind when trying to find your channel via a Youtube search.

Make Sure Your Channels Video Are Public:

If you’ve posted a video and accidentally set it to private this will cause your channel not to be shown in the search results. Make sure you change your privacy settings to public if you haven’t already.

Don’t Even Bother Looking Until You’ve Posted Enough Videos:

Don’t even search for your channel until you at least have 5-10 videos on your channel. You don’t need to have a lot.

Make Your Channel Name As Unique As Possible:

Try and make your Youtube Channel name as unique as possible.

The only truly unique thing you get when you start a channel is the link. There can be multiple channels with the same name but try and be as unique as possible to limit this to a smaller number. this way when you or even someone else goes to search for your channel they are more likely to get your channel.

Add Your Channel Name Within Your Tags:

When you add your channel name in your video tags it increases the chances of your channel showing up when someone types your channel name in the search box.

Include Your Channel Name Within Your Video Titles:

Another way to get yourself to show up in the search results is to make your video title relevant. Including your channel name in the title of each video you post on Youtube will increase the chances of your videos showing up when someone types in your channel name within a search box.

Include Your Channel Name In the Video Description:

Last but not least, when you are posting your videos to Youtube, try adding your channel name within the description.

Optimize Your Videos For The Right Keywords:

Another way to get your videos to show up in the search results is by optimizing them for relevant keywords.

When you optimize a video for certain keywords it increases the chances of your video showing up within Youtube’s search results when someone types in that specific keyword.

Using all of these methods will help you get results when people type in your channel name in a search bar and hopefully increase the amount of exposure and viewers your channel gets!

If you want to find your youtube video right away type in your last video’s exact the title and limit the search to this week and you should find it.

What Is The Best Way To Choose a Unique Channel Name?

Try and make your channel name ‘memorable.’ Although there is no formula or strategy for this, it makes it easier.

It’s best to make the channel name something you are comfortable with for a long time sharing on all social media platforms as well as in text/chat.

A good way to start is to go over your channel name ideas you have in your head and search them on Youtube. This way you can see how much the term is used for channel names already.


You should expect a slow process when it comes to Youtube in general. It takes a long time to build up a fair amount of decent videos on your channel.

It shouldn’t hurt you to be a little patient when it comes to your channel as shown in the search results.

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Why Doesn’t Your Youtube Channel Show Up? (What You Need To Know)
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