Why You Can’t Unfollow Hashtags On Instagram (Everything You Need To know)

A hashtag is a powerful tool on Instagram, being one of many factors that will help Instagrammers get their content noticed by more people. Some users will follow a hashtag in their niche to either tailor their feed to their interests or keep an eye on trends in their particular field. But what happens when you no longer want to follow that hashtag?

There used to be a very easy way to unfollow hashtags you were no longer interested in. On Instagram’s most recent interface, that option no longer pops up on your profile menu. There hasn’t been a clear explanation as to why this menu option was eliminated. That said, there have been many changes to Instagram’s hashtag policies recently that could offer some insight. 

If your feed is just inundated with hashtagged content you no longer want to follow, there are ways to avoid being notified of new posts under the hashtag. There is also a way around the disabled function to unfollow hashtags, though it takes some time. 

Why You Can’t Unfollow Hashtags On Instagram

Technically, you can unfollow hashtags on Instagram; you just can’t do it the simple way that it was done before. If you are no longer a fan of a certain hashtag and feel like it’s taking over your feed, it’s worth going through the few steps it takes to stop following it. 

Hashtags are helpful when you want to keep updated on particular interests or trends in your field, but the hashtag system has been misused for quite some time. A hashtag can easily be overwhelmed by posts that aren’t relevant because people believe using any popular hashtag is the way to get their content noticed. 

Because of this, it’s easy to lose interest in a hashtag. Having to continue following that hashtag is frustrating because there’s less of a chance you’ll see the content you want to see. Instagram changes what comes up in your feed often, so the more you can tailor it to what you want to see, the more you’ll enjoy scrolling through your feed. 

You might also want to stop following a hashtag if it’s no longer relevant to what you need. Hashtags will grow big and then drop off, and part of using hashtags effectively includes knowing what types of posts work well under the hashtag and pivoting hashtags based on what works. 

How To Try And Unfollow Hashtags 

Once you determine which hashtags you don’t want to follow anymore, head to the search function on Instagram and type in the hashtag. Make sure you include the hashtag symbol in front of the word or phrase. 

Once you find the hashtag you’re looking to unfollow, click on the hashtag to be taken to the hashtag’s page. You should see underneath the name of the hashtag whether or not you’re currently following it. When you tap on “following,” a menu will come up asking if you want to unfollow. You’ll tap unfollow, then confirm, and you’ll no longer be following that hashtag. 

That particular hashtag page shouldn’t show updated or recent posts in your feed any longer. You may still see posts that just happen to have that hashtag, as this doesn’t eliminate posts with that hashtag from people you follow from showing up in your feed. 

Can You Block Hashtags?

You can block hashtags that still find a way to infiltrate your feed, even if you’ve made an effort to unfollow them. When you see a post under that hashtag, you can click on the three dots on the left-hand corner of the post and select “don’t show for this hashtag.” 

If you do this under a few posts under that particular hashtag, Instagram should get the message that you don’t want to see posts for that hashtag anymore. You can also search for your chosen hashtag to block and click posts on that hashtag’s page to block the hashtag. 

If you only select one post and select “don’t show for this hashtag,” the hashtag may still pop up in your feed. You should do this at least four times on four posts to make sure it works. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Hashtags can be confusing for those who are new to social media marketing or are just learning the ropes of how to use hashtags effectively. 

Why Did Instagram Change Their Hashtag Policies?

Instagram implemented more strategic policies surrounding hashtags in an effort to cut down on the amount of spammers and bot accounts that have infiltrated the platform. It’s unclear whether or not the removal of the hashtag option in the profile menu was part of these efforts. 

What’s The Point Of Hashtags?

Having a certain hashtag in your post that’s relevant to your content will encourage Instagram’s algorithm to include it under the hashtag’s page. This way, when a user searches that particular hashtag, your post should show in the grid. When you’re looking to increase your follower count to reach a broader audience, hashtags are extremely effective for this. 

Following a hashtag can help you learn more about its usefulness in relation to your own goals on Instagram. When it’s no longer a hashtag you need, you may want to unfollow it so you can follow hashtags that make more sense for you in the future. Otherwise, your feed can become very cluttered and confusing to navigate. 

Final Thoughts 

Hashtags can easily become overwhelmed with content, making them lose their meaning altogether. It can also make following that particular hashtag less of a benefit than it once was. While unfollowing a hashtag used to be much more straightforward than it is now, it can still be done. 

Instagram is a platform that doesn’t stay the same for long, so it’s possible that this process could change the next time they update the interface. Sometimes it takes a bit of maneuvering the app, but there’s usually a way to make sure you’re only seeing the content you want to see. 

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Why You Can’t Unfollow Hashtags On Instagram (Everything You Need To know)
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