How Can I Put Affiliate Links In My Ebook?(Solved)

When it comes to making income online, both affiliate marketing and Ebook are both good options to make some good money. How about combining the two? When it comes to being an Amazon Associate it’s actually against the rules to put your affiliate links within your Ebook. This is unfortunate because when starting an Ebook you may think you can link products you recommend and make even more money from your Ebook. In this blog post we will go over how you can incorporate affiliate marketing within your Ebook in order to do it the right way.

Short Answer To The Question How Can I Put Affiliate Links In My Ebook:

You can put affiliate links within your Ebooks but you have to make sure the affiliate offer your promoting allows you to do so within their terms of service. For example as stated above Amazon Associates forbids you from linking to their website within an Ebook for this very reason.

How Can I Put Amazon Associate Links Within My Ebook?

If all of the products you want to recommend within your Ebook happen to be Amazon Associate links, there is an option you can use. You can create a resources page for the Ebook. Each time you recommend a specific product within the Ebook you can link to that resource page that you created on your website. This way you are not breaking any of Amazon Associates rules and it is still easy for your readers to access the product you are recommending.

How Can I Put Other Affiliate Links Within My Ebook?

If you can link to an affiliate product within your Ebook, most likely it will say so in the terms of service for that specific affiliate offer. If you can’t seem to find it, it’s important to reach out to the company to see if you can. Finding out ahead of time can save you a lot of time and money in the future.

If you cannot link within your Ebook because it is not allowed, you may want to consider creating a resource page just like you would when promoting for the Amazon Associate program.

How do I add affiliate links to a PDF?

If you are able to add your affiliate links to the Ebook and want to know how to add affiliate links to a PDF, follow all of these steps.

Once you’re done writing your Ebook, you’re going to choose the specific text you want to embed the affiliate links on. In most programs like Microsoft word, pages for IOS and others all you’ll have to do is highlight the word, sentence, paragraph you want to use. Once highlighted right click on the highlighted text and choose the insert link or embed link option. From there all you have to do is copy and paste the affiliate link you want to use within your Ebook. After that just click okay and the text will be linked.

Once you change the file to a PDF those links you created within the document should stick around.

Why You Should Use Affiliate Links In Your Ebook

If you are willing to take the time to add your affiliate links in your Ebook, there are a few great reasons why they may be a good idea.

Adding affiliate links within your Ebook is going to help you make more money from it. This means if people read it they will have an easier time buying the products mentioned in the Ebook because it’s already linked for them.

If your content has the reader in mind your affiliate links can be a really helpful resource to them. They will be able to click on the link and buy it right away without having to search for it somewhere else on the internet.

How To Add Affiliate Links In The Right Way

You don’t want to have affiliate links all over the place. You want to add as much value to the Ebook as you can.  If every other paragraph has an affiliate link your readers may become annoyed.

You want to add the affiliate links when it’s relevant within the content of your Ebook. If you are giving advice on how to go about buying a specific product for example, that would be a great time to add in an affiliate link where needed.

Having too many affiliate links could potentially hurt you more than help.

Cons Of Using Affiliate Links Within Your Ebook

You Need To Keep Them Updated:

If you don’t keep your affiliate links updated, you could potentially lose a lot of money. If you have a list of books that are recommended within your Ebook but the links no longer work, then those people who click on it will be sent to an error page. This will cost them time and may cause them to not complete their purchase which would hurt your conversions.

People May Think Your Information is Just To Promote:

When people read Ebooks with affiliate links in there, it may cause them to question whether or not the information is to really tell them the truth or if it is simply there to make you earn commissions off of affiliate links.

If people view your Ebook and think that most of the information was just added in to link back to specific products or websites, then they may not trust your opinions and reviews and will most likely skip them all together.

It’s Time Consuming:

From putting the links in, to tracking them and making sure they stay updated, you need to put a lot of time and effort into it. This can be a major turn off for people who want to just write an Ebook.

Although it’s time consuming it’s definitely worth the extra time. It will help you make more money off of your Ebook which is worth it in the long run.


We hope this article helped you understand more about adding affiliate links within your Ebook. Feel free to leave any comments or questions below!

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How Can I Put Affiliate Links In My Ebook?(Solved)
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