What If Someone Returns a Product From Your Affiliate Link?

Being an affiliate marketer if you’re patient enough can be very rewarding. If you’re looking into being an affiliate marketer you may be wondering what happens if someone buys from your affiliate link and then returns the product. This blog post will go over everything you need to know in regards to this!

Short answer to the question What if Someone Buys a product from your affiliate link and then returns it:

If the person returns the product within the period you will have the money taken from your account. If you ever see a negative balance within you Amazon associates dashboard, this means the product was returned and your commissions were taken away from you.

How To Avoid Getting Products Returned

The first way is to make sure you read product reviews. If you see any reviews that say the product is different or poor quality, do not promote the product. If you promote the products and they get returned, you’ll end up with a negative balance within your Amazon associates account.

The second way is to make sure you’re promoting products that will give customers good or excellent results. You want to avoid promoting any bad or low-quality products because if the customer doesn’t like the product, it’s very likely that they’ll return it for a refund which will take away from your monthly commission earnings.

Lastly, you should only sell products that aren’t quick fix products. Avoid products that people order, use and then return for a refund. This is the worst type of product to sell as an affiliate marketer because they’ll be getting returned by all your customers who buy them and then decide to return them.

Is there Any Way To Avoid Product Returns?

You can’t control whether or not the customer returns the product after using it. You can, however, make sure you are promoting products that are high in quality and do exactly what they promise to do.

How To Do Product Reviews To Avoid Returns

Not only do you have to make sure the product is high quality, but there are also other things that will avoid the customer from returning the product.

Do a Video That Shows Details:

When you do a video that shows details of a product, the custoemr will be able to see exactly what they’re getting if they decide to buy it.

Write Detailed Product Descriptions:

This goes along with doing a video on the product, however If you do a written review of a product you’ll want to make sure you cover every detail there is about the product. Make sure you write as many details as possible because this will make your customers feel more comfortable on whether or not they should purchase from your affiliate link or not. This way they know that if they order from your affiliate link then they have nothing to lose and only good things to gain from ordering through your affiliate link.

Taking pictures for the written product review is also a great idea because then the customer will be able to see what they’ll finally get if they purchase from you. You can have someone model with the product while doing the pictures so the customer is able to see how it fits on people just like them.

Add Customer Review Points:

Be careful not to quote directly because this is against the Amazon terms of service, but you can use customer reviews in order to discuss each of the pros and cons of the product. This way you give your customers insight on what they can expect when they order through your links.

Talk about the bad as well as the good:

When you only talk about the good things about a product, you will increase your chances at getting sales. What you don’t realize is this may also increase the chances of someone returning the product.

When speaking about the product make sure you also go in depth about the drawbacks, this way when they make a purchase they are able to see both the pros and cons. This will make them confident in knowing that they are making a good purchase when deciding to order through your affiliate link.

Do a Comparison Blog Post Or Video:

When you do a comparison blog post or video. This will narrow down the customers options and allow them to decide which is the very best product for them.

When you do a comparison between two products, then the customer has a better chance of picking the very best product that they’ll need which will increase your chances at getting a sale and receiving a commission from Amazon.

Sometimes when people make a purchase based on a single product review blog post or video they will end up returning the product. They may have purchased it because they thought it would be a good choice for them, but then when they receive it and use it, they find that there is a better option out there for them. This ultimately leads to them returning the product they bought from your link.

Why Do I See a Small Portion Taken Out Of My Account?

Sometimes depending on the situation, people may receive a partial refund for the product. This mean on your Amazon associates dashboard you may see a small portion of your commissions taken away.

Why Do Some of Them Say Refund and Some of Them Say Returned?

Depending on the agreement, they may issue a customer a full refund without returning the product. Or they may ask for the item back and refund the money. In both cases you will get money taken away from your commission dashboard so there really is no difference.


What you should take away from this blog post is that not all returns are avoidable if the customer decides to return it. But, if you follow the tips within the post you should be able to at least avoid this from happening to the best of your ability.

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What If Someone Returns a Product From Your Affiliate Link?
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