How Can I Promote An Amazon Affiliate Link By Email?(Details)

Being a part of the Amazon affiliate program otherwise known as Amazon Associates is a good way to make some extra income. Using email marketing is a good way to make money with your affiliate offers. A common question is how can you promote your affiliate links through email marketing. In this blog post we will go over all the ways you can do this along with some tips to help you get started.

Short Answer To The Question Can I Promote An Amazon Affiliate Link By Email:

It is definitely possible to promote your affiliate links within email marketing, but not the way you think. The Amazon Associates program prohibits affiliates from posting affiliate links directly in the email so you will have to lead the traffic to a landing page or a blog post that has a clearly visible affiliate link.

Best Ways To Promote Affiliate Links With Email:

Landing Pages:

Creating a landing page with a service like Leadpages is one of the best ways to promote affiliate links through email. A landing page can be any web page that has a single purpose, usually to get traffic to perform an action, subscribe to your list or buy something.

Your landing page should have multiple ways of converting visitors into customers or subscribers. It should be clearly explained why you want the visitor to take a particular action and it should be positioned as an obvious step in the sales funnel.

Link To Youtube Content:

You can write to your email list and link a relevant YouTube video that you created with the affiliate offer in the description of the video. This is a good alternative to sending the traffic to a landing page. If you do hands on video tutorials this is a good affiliate marketing strategy to make money from your email list.

Blog Posts:

Instead of a single landing page, you can make a whole blog post about Amazon products with affiliate offers. Then send the e-mail to your list linking to this blog post.

How To Get a Good Email List To Promote Your Affiliate Offers:

Below are multiple ways to encourage people to join your email list!

Get People From Social Media:

Social media is the best place to get people on your email list. Post about new products on all of your social media channels along with a call to action that encourages people to sign up for your email list.

Use Your Blog:

Creating a free product that is related to the niche of your blog is another good way to promote your email list. You can create a PDF or an E-Book about something that people in the niche are interested in and then give this away for free.

Use a YouTube Channel:

Creating popular YouTube videos related to the niche of your blog is another way to get people on your email list. Ask people to subscribe in the comments below the video and then mention that they can always unsubscribe if it’s not for them.

Word of Mouth Marketing:

Word of mouth is one of the most underrated methods to get people on your email list. You can add a small social proof section at the bottom of every blog post to try and get visitors to join your email list.

Or you can encourage your email list readers to share your content and ask them to forward or share your post with their family and friends.

Paid Traffic:

Using paid ads like Facebook Ads and Google Adwords is a great way to get people from high converting sources on your email list right away. You can then write an email that lets them know they have been added to the list which will encourage them to open future emails.

What Are The Best Email Marketing Systems To Promote Your Affiliate Offers?

There are many different systems out there including mailchimp and aweber that can help you run your email marketing campaigns and then test different strategies to see which ones convert the best.

How To Write Emails To Convert For Your Affiliate Links:

Once you build your list it’s time to move on to the next step which is to write email copy that actually converts.

Your first test should be getting subscribers to open your emails. To do this, try different subject lines until you find one that gets a good open rate.

A good trick is to basically summarize blog posts you’ve made that includes the affiliate link. If they read a little bit of your email that’s a summary of interesting content this will make them want to read the rest.

Next, you should test different email lengths. There are so many factors to converting emails to affiliate sales and length is definitely one of them. Someone that’s in a rush might read an email with one or two sentences while someone surfing the web on their phone might want to read long, in-depth information.

You should send different emails of all different lengths over a long period of time. Over time you will see the open rates and click through rates for certain email lengths and you can then use this to send emails with the open rate and click through rate of your highest converting length.


In conclusion, it’s important to have an email list so that people visiting your blog or website can sign up for future offers. There are many different ways to encourage people to join your email list from social media posts, a blog post, YouTube videos and word of mouth marketing.

Now you know all the ways you can promote your affiliate links through email marketing while following Amazon’s terms of service.

People who are new to this process will usually try sending their subscribers directly to an affiliate link in the email, which isn’t allowed. The best way is to send them to a platform off of the email where Amazon Associates links are accepted.

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How Can I Promote An Amazon Affiliate Link By Email?(Details)
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