Why is Instacart Better Than Shipt?

It’s hard to figure out which grocery delivery service is the best. There are a lot of factors that go into what makes one better than the other, and it can be difficult to keep track of them all.

In this article we will go over Instacart vs Shipt and which one is better as a driver/worker!

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Before reading this article make sure you go and check if Shipt and Instacart are available where you are because they are not available everywhere.

The last thing you want to do is read this whole article and then realize that these two platforms are not in your area.

What is Instacart?

Instacart is a grocery delivery service that partners with local stores to deliver groceries straight to customers’ doors.

The service relies on independent contractors to fulfill orders, and then feed the order into an app.

Instacarters can work as little or much as they want, which is very convenient.

What is Shipt?

Shipt is a grocery delivery service that partners with local stores to deliver groceries straight to customers’ doors.

Working for Shipt , you can expect to be an independent contractor and do your own scheduling.

This way your hours are very flexible just like Instacart.

What Do You Need To Sign Up For Instacart?

To sign up for Instacart you need to be at least 18, a valid drivers license and insurance, you have to be able to lift 50 pounds, you need a reliable android phone and you need to be able to work in the U.S!

What Do You Need To Sign Up For Shipt?

To work for shipt you need a valid drivers license and insurance, need to be 18, the ability to lift at least 40 pounds.

To sign up for Shipt you need a newer android or iphone smart phone. If you’re phone is a little bit older it may not be compatible with the Shipt app.

Pros and Cons of Instacart


Sign up process: The sign up process for Instacart is very easy, the background check is very short and the stuff you need to deliver comes in within days.

Instacart Has Substitutions: Instacart has substitutes that can be used in case you don’t have the item requested in a customer’s order.

Always Will Be There: People need groceries every single day, so if you’re out of work you can always just sign up for Instacart!


There are only so many hours you can work: Instacart limits the amount of hours you can work to avoid overworking their workers.

Taxes: Sine you’re an independent contractor you have to handle tall the taxes yourself.

Health Benefits: You’ll have to get your own health insurance.

Far Batches: Instacart can send you far away for some orders so make sure you look at the order carefully before taking it.

Pros and Cons of Shipt


You can schedule your hours for the week and request off anytime: With Shipt you have a lot of flexibility when it comes to scheduling. You can also request time-off whenever needed.

Pick Up Location: Unlike Instacart, Shipt allows you to choose where you want to pick up orders ahead of time which is good for people who don’t want to go to certain areas.


Availability: With Shipt you can do very well in a city like NYC, but in a Florida, you may not get as many deliveries.

Can’t hurt to try in your area.

Taxes: With Shipt you’ll have to handle the taxes on your own.

Which App Can You Earn More With: Shipt vs Instacart

When i comes to pay Instacart and Shipt are fairly even, and depending on location you can earn up to $15-$20 per hour using either app.

It all depends how busy it is where you live. You can live in an area where Instacart is more prominent then Shipt and vice versa.

If you want to figure out more information on people make out monetarily while working for these two delivery services, check out indeed.com and do some research based on your area.

Which App Has More Options To Shop With: Shipt vs Instacart

Instacart has partnered with more stores than Shipt.

This is a big advantage for Instacart because customers will appreciate more options to shop from and eventually, they’ll only use Instacart because there’s more stores to choose from.

When it comes to locations, Instacart is also on top.

Instacart is available in a lot more places than shipt is which means more potential work for more people.

Which is Delivery Service is Better For You: Shipt or Instacart?

There are a lot of things to take into consideration when it comes to Shipt and Instacart and which you should choose.

This is what we recommend.

First you need to make sure both apps are available where you live.

The next thing is to use both apps and test each one.

One app will likely stand out to you and that’s the app you you should use on a regular basis.

Instacart is Better In Most Instances

Because Instacart has more partnerships with more grocery stores and stores in general and it is available in more cities, chances are it will be the better option for you, but this is not always true.

Questions You May Want to Know

Can you Use Both Apps at the same time?

Yes, because you’re an independent contractor, you can work for both apps at the same time without any problems.

Does Shipt or Instacart Pay For Gas?

No , as an independent contractor, you have to cover the cost of gas yourself.

Can You Bring Someone To Work With You?

No, Instacart and Shipt both only allow one person to work for them at a time.

Do You Have To Bring Groceries Inside?

You do not have to bring groceries inside for either app, but you may earn an extra tip if the customer isn’t able to carry them inside.

Does Shipt Provide Car Insurance?

No, you’ll need to get your own car insurance.

Does Instacart Provide Car Insurance?

Like Shipt, Instacart does not provide car insurance.


We hope this article made it easier to figure out which app is better for you. Regardless of the choice, make sure you read up on their terms before downloading either app and using them regularly.

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Why is Instacart Better Than Shipt?
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