Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Legit? (Is It a Good Business Model?)

Affiliate marketing is a very popular way to make money online. And, it’s a great option for those who are just starting. But, what is high ticket affiliate marketing? Is it a legit business model?

In this blog post, let’s go over what high ticket affiliate marketing is and whether or not it’s a good business model.

What is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

High ticket affiliate marketing is simply affiliate marketing with more expensive items. So, instead of promoting $20 products, you’re promoting products that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

So What Are The Benefits Of High Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

There are two main benefits to this business model. First, you can make a lot more money per sale. And second, you don’t need to sell as many products to make a good income.

For example, let’s say you’re promoting a $500 product. And, let’s say you have a 1% conversion rate. With that conversion rate, you’re getting a 20% commission. So, for every 100 visitors, you send to the site, you’re making $100 in commissions.

These numbers aren’t exactly accurate. But, they’re close enough to give you an idea of how this business model works.

Now, let’s say you’re promoting a $20 product. And, let’s say you have the same 1% conversion rate. That means you’re only making $0.40 per 100 visitors. So, you need to send 5,000 visitors to make the same amount of money.

This is why high-ticket affiliate marketing can be so lucrative. You don’t need nearly as many sales to make a good income.

What Are The Best Types Of Products For High Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

There are two types of products that work well for this business model. First, you have digital products. These can be eBooks, courses, software, or anything else that’s delivered digitally.

The second type of product is physical products. These are things like TVs, laptops, cameras, and other electronics.

Digital products are good because they have a high perceived value. And, they’re often recurring products, which means you can make money each month from the same customer.

Physical products are good because they’re expensive. And, people are always looking for the best deals on electronics.

So, those are the two types of products that work well for this business model.

What Are The Drawbacks Of High Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

There are a few drawbacks to this business model. First, it can be harder to get approved for high-ticket affiliate programs. Second, you need to be able to generate a lot of traffic to make good money. And third, you need to have strong sales skills.

The first drawback isn’t a big deal. There are plenty of high-ticket affiliate programs out there. You just need to find the right ones.

The second and third drawbacks are more significant. If you can’t generate a lot of traffic, you’re not going to make many sales. And, if you don’t have strong sales skills, you’re not going to close many sales.

What Are The Best Ways To Promote High Ticket Affiliate Marketing

There are many ways you can go promote affiliate products. In this post though, we’re going to go over the most legitimate ones.

Start a Blog

First, you can write blog posts and reviews. This is a great way to get started because it doesn’t cost any money. And, you can reach a large audience with your writing. You can answer underserved questions about these products or write in-depth reviews.

Adam Enfroy has a website that talks about business software, which has high commission rates. He talks about everything from social media tools, blog tools, and more.

To get started with this though, I wouldn’t get into it blindly. I would start a course on how to blog. If you don’t have any money for a course, getting free advice on YouTube is a good place to start.

Start a YouTube Channel

Another great way to reach a large audience is with YouTube videos. You can do product reviews, unboxings, and more. This is a great way to get started because it’s free. And, you can reach a very large audience with your videos.

MKBHD is the first YouTuber I think of when it comes to product reviews. He’s been doing it for years and he does a great job. Check out his channel here.

Just like blogging, I wouldn’t start a YouTube channel without any guidance. Take a look at potential courses or find advice on YouTube.

How to get into high ticket affiliate marketing

The best way to get into high ticket affiliate marketing is by studying other people who are already successful in the field. You can find a lot of information on the internet about how to be successful with affiliate marketing. The best place to look is on YouTube. You can find people who show their progress and how they made their money.

The second step is to find a course. Your best bet is to ask the people on YouTube that you follow what resources they used to learn high ticket affiliate marketing. They will be able to give you a good idea of what worked for them and what didn’t. Once you have found a course, make sure to go through it thoroughly and take notes.

What Is The Best Way To Get Good High Ticket Affiliate Programs?

The best way to get high-ticket affiliate programs is to look for them yourself. You can start by looking at the websites of companies that sell products you’re interested in.

Then, you can contact the company and ask if they have an affiliate program. If they do, they’ll usually give you a link to their affiliate page.

Think Outside The Box

The one thing you should do is think outside the box when it comes to high-ticket affiliate marketing. For example, you can reach out to a yacht company that sells and rents yachts, and put together a deal with them.

The upside to this is that you can make a lot of money. The downside is that it’s going to be a lot harder to find these types of deals.

Can You Get Scammed Doing High Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

Scams and affiliate marketing are often associated with each other. But, that doesn’t mean that all affiliate marketing is a scam. There are many legitimate affiliate programs out there.

That being said, you should always be careful when you’re looking into an affiliate program. Make sure to do your research and only work with companies that have a good reputation.

Some companies will try and make you pay before being able to access their affiliate program. This is a red flag and you should avoid these companies.

What is The Conversion Rate For high ticket items affiliate marketing?

There is no specific conversion rate when it comes to high ticket affiliate items. This is because each niche is different. However, chances are the conversion rate might not be as high as regular affiliate marketing. This is because the price is much higher.

What You Need to do is make sure that your offer is very attractive and that you are targeting the right audience. If you can do these things, then you will be able to get a high conversion rate for your high ticket items.

Make Sure Everything Is Good On Your End

The last thing we should talk about is doing everything right. You shouldn’t promote products with minimal knowledge of the subject. You should do heavy research and make sure everything is good on your end.

This means that you shouldn’t overhype products or make false statements about them. You should be transparent with your audience and let them know what they’re getting into.

Many affiliate marketers make the mistake of writing a good review for any product, in hopes to make a quick buck. But, this will only hurt you in the long run. Your audience will see through it and they’ll lose trust in you.

Lastly, the value you offer will be shown in your sales. If you’re not providing value, you won’t make any sales. So, make sure to always put your audience first.”


We hope this article has given you some insights into high-ticket affiliate marketing.

High ticket affiliate marketing can be a great way to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing. However, it’s not for everyone. You need to be able to generate a lot of traffic and have strong sales skills. If you can do those things, this business model can be very lucrative.

Blogging and YouTube are two great ways to get started with this business model. If you’re interested in either of those, I would start with some guidance. There are plenty of free and paid resources out there.

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Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Legit? (Is It a Good Business Model?)
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