How to Make Money on Tik Tok Without Showing Your Face

Many people are taking advantage of the popularity of TikTok and are earning a good income from the app. The majority of those people are showing their faces in every single video.

What if you don’t want to show your face? can you make money on tiktok without showing your face?

The answer is yes, you can make money on TikTok without showing your face. As long as you’re giving value and providing your audience with content they want to watch, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to. In order to monetize TikTok accounts however, you have to be 18, so just make sure you’re old enough.

In this blog post, we’ll share with you how to make money on TikTok without showing your face.

There are many ways to make money on tiktok without showing face, below we will go into each one.

  • Start a Cooking TikTok
  • Drawing Account
  • Drawing Account
  • Motivation Account Using Stock Footage
  • Travel Account
  • Tech Review Account

Start a Cooking TikTok

Some people have YouTube channels where they cook from a point of view perspective. They position their camera above their cooking surface so that only their hands and the food are visible.

You can do the same thing on TikTok. There are tons of recipes that you can film and share with your followers. You don’t need to show your face to do this.

Remember that you don’t need to be an expert to start doing this. All you need is to communicate that you’re trying, instead of showing off. Be relatable and your followers will love you for it.

If you want to go all in, you could start with a YouTube channel, and repurpose the videos to fit TikTok’s format. This way you could earn money via YouTube and the TikTok creator program.

Another thing you could add to make it even more profitable, is adding written content to go along with your videos. This could be done in the form of blog posts or even e-books.

Drawing Account

If you like to draw, or even paint, you could start a account where you show the progress of your drawings. This is similar to the cooking TikTok idea, but with drawings instead.

You don’t need to be an artist to start doing this. Many people who are starting are not that good at it. But they improve over time. People like to see other people improve their skills, and if you’re relatable, you’ll gain a following.

As with the cooking TikTok idea, you could start with a YouTube channel and then post the videos on TikTok. You could also add written content to go along with your videos. This could be done in the form of blog posts or even e-books.

If you’re already great, or once you get good enough, you could then sell custom designs to your followers or post your designs on Etsy for people to order.

Start a Motivation Account Using Stock Footage

This idea is a little bit different. You would be using someone else’s footage and adding your audio to it.

For this, you would need to buy some stock video footage, or find some free ones online. Once you have the footage, you would add your audio motivational messages to it. This could be done with a simple microphone and some editing software.

All you would have to do is think of a good message, get a video that aligns with that message, and put it all together. You don’t need to show your face for this either.

You can make money through the TikTok creator program, and you could also use the traffic to grow other platforms like YouTube, a blog, an email list, and others.

You could also sell a product related to the videos you post. For example, if you do motivational videos, your followers will probably like a productivity course or an eBook on how to get more done.

You could also do this with other topics like fitness, dance, and more. Find a niche that you’re passionate about and dive in!

Documenting Your Travels

Creating TikTok videos for travel doesn’t need to involve your face. You could just focus on one thing, like documenting all the different types of food you try.

This is a great way to show off your travels without having to be in front of the camera the whole time. You can still show your face occasionally, but it’s not necessary.

You can show things like restaurants, landmarks, and other things that people would be interested in seeing. And you can do this from anywhere in the world.

If you want to make money from this, you could join the TikTok creator program and sell products related to travel, like e-books on how to save money while travelling or travel guides for specific countries or cities.

Tech Review Account

This is one of the most popular types of content on TikTok right now. People love seeing new gadgets and technology, and they’re always looking for reviews before they buy anything.

If you’re into tech, this could be a great way to make money. You could compare phones, laptops, tablets and more. You could also do unboxing videos, which are popular as well.

This is another great niche to post on multiple platforms at once. You can create a YouTube channel and post your videos there as well. You could also write a blog post about your unboxing or comparison videos.

If you have a website, you can also embed your TikTok videos there. This will help you get more traffic and make more money.

Nothing Works Like Getting Started Now

The key to being successful with someone like this is to get started now. There will be a learning curve, and everyone is bad at something when they first start out.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll start seeing results. And the better you get, the more opportunities will come your way.

So what are you waiting for? Pick one of these ideas and run with it! You won’t regret it.

What’s The Best Method Of Making Money Online Without Showing Your Face?

You may be wondering about how to make money online without showing your face in general. Below we will go over some methods.

Affiliate Marketing Without Showing Your Face

There are many ways to make money through affiliate marketing without showing your face including blogging, making product reviews on YouTube (filming only the products), and more.

Blogging Without Showing Your Face

Blogging is probably the most common way to make money without showing your face. You may have to post a picture of yourself on the about me section, but other than that, you really don’t need to show your face at all. This makes it extra convenient for people who don’t want to show their face on the internet.

Can You Get TikTok Famous Without Showing Your Face?

You won’t get famous to the point where people point who you are out on the street because people won’t actually know who you are. However, if you get good enough at providing value within a niche, you could become somewhat famous when it comes to certain things.

For example a tech review account could amass a large following, and in sense, with a large following you are considered TikTok famous, just no one really knows about it.


There you have it! These are just a few ideas to get you started. There are endless possibilities when it comes to making money on TikTok.

The key is to be creative, think outside the box, and post content that people will want to see. If you can do that, you’ll be successful.

You also may be wondering if it’s possible to make money on YouTube without showing your face. If so take a look at this blog post and we’ll go over multiple channel ideas.


How to Make Money on Tik Tok Without Showing Your Face
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